
Apple is working on a HomePod with a screen, the device will likely be equipped with Apple intelligence

Apple is always working on something new and exciting, and MacRumors’ latest discovery has tech enthusiasts buzzing. Hidden away in Apple’s backend code, a new home accessory has been discovered, raising anticipation for what Apple might reveal next. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what we know about this mysterious device and its potential impact. MacRumors has discovered a device identified as “HomeAccessory17,1.” This identifier is a new category, similar to how the HomePod is tagged with “AudioAccessory.” The specific use of “17,1” in the identifier’s name is particularly intriguing. It suggests that this new home accessory could be equipped with Apple’s upcoming A18 chip, the same powerful chip that is expected to be used in all four iPhone 16 models later this year.

The exact nature of this home accessory remains a mystery. However, the presence of the A18 chip suggests that it will pack significant processing power, likely enabling advanced smart home features and capabilities powered by Apple Intelligence. That could mean anything from a new type of smart speaker to a more integrated home automation hub that seamlessly connects and controls various Apple devices and smart home products.

The code also reveals that this new home accessory will run a variant of the tvOS software, similar to the HomePod. Earlier this year, evidence was found that Apple was working on “homeOS,” suggesting that this could be the firmware for this new device. If true, this homeOS could be specifically designed to optimize the performance and functionality of Apple’s growing lineup of home devices.

While details are still shrouded in mystery, the combination of the powerful A18 chip and dedicated homeOS suggests this device will be more than just an upgrade to the existing HomePod. It could potentially introduce new features that improve home automation, entertainment, and connectivity, further integrating the Apple ecosystem into everyday home use.

The discovery didn’t stop at the new home accessory. The code also referred to two unreleased Apple TV models with the identifiers AppleTV14.4 and AppleTV14.5. This is in line with rumors suggesting an updated Apple TV could be on the horizon, possibly launching in 2024. These new models could offer improved performance, new features, or even a redesign to meet changing home entertainment demands.

Apple is expected to announce new iPhones, iPads, and potentially other products in September. While it’s unclear whether this new home accessory will be part of the announcement, the hints revealed by MacRumors are certainly adding to the excitement and speculation. If Apple continues its trend of innovation, we could be looking at a device that will redefine the smart home experience.

Apple’s potential new home accessory promises to be a significant addition to the lineup, with powerful capabilities and new software. While we await official announcements, the tech community will no doubt be closely monitoring further developments and leaks.

Posted by:

Ankita Chakravarti


July 5, 2024