
USDA updates method for reporting antitrust complaints at meat plants – President’s Prayer Team

This is the fourth rule introduced this year aimed at limiting consolidation of meat plants.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has proposed new regulations clarifying how to file complaints about alleged antitrust practices in the meat industry.

The U.S. meat industry is highly consolidated, with four major meat companies controlling more than 70 percent of the beef market: Cargill, Tyson Foods, JBS and National Beef Packing. If approved, the proposed rules would provide clear guidelines for ranchers and small businesses to document ways in which monopolistic practices have harmed their businesses.

“Entrenched market power and the abuses that come with it remain an obstacle to achieving lower prices for consumers and fairer practices for producers,” said Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack. “Today’s proposed rule sets clear, transparent standards to ensure markets operate fairly and competitively for consumers and producers alike.”

As the Lord leads us, pray with us…

  • For Secretary Vilsack to accept God’s guidance as head of USDA.
  • For wisdom for USDA officials who must deal with antitrust complaints from meat producers.

Sources: Reuters, Department of Agriculture