
1.2 million euro fine – QuiFinanza

Down’Antitrust law Easter egg investigation concluded and proved that companies Chiara Ferragni They will pour 1.2 million euros To the social enterprise “I Bambini delle Fate”. According to the press release of the antitrust, all companies participating in the procedure have offered commitments that have been approved and declared binding by the antitrust.

Antitrust decision

Chiara Ferragni’s companies reach agreement with antitrust authority to resolve egg case “Designed by Ferragni” Easter 2021 and 2022. This trend opened after the “Pandoro Gate” and the accusations of deceiving consumers about the favorable reasons related to the purchase of sweets. The famous influencer – through his Fenice and Tbs Crew – will pay 1.2 million euros to the company “I Bambini delle Fate” over three years, in addition to 100,000 euros from Cerealitalia, the company “Dolci Preziosi”.

The egg sale was linked to a charity initiative for a social enterprise. “fairy children” which supports children with autism and other disabilities. The antitrust authority wanted to check whether the association could deceive consumers into believing that buying eggs would financially support a social institution.

All the companies involved in the proceedings have made commitments that have been positively assessed and declared binding by the antitrust authority. The most important commitment foresees a donation of at least US$ 1.3 million (i.e. 5% of the profits subject to distribution) to “I Bambini delle Fate” over three financial years, with a total minimum of US$ 1.2 million over three years. , by Fenice and TBS; 100 thousand euros With pills). It is an appropriate means to meet the needs of consumers who, by purchasing the product, wanted to make an economic contribution to “I Bambini delle Fate”.

In addition, the companies involved have committed to separating their business activities, such as advertising and selling products, from charitable activities. This commitment aims to avoid consumers being misled about their contribution to charitable initiatives through the purchase of products.

The Antimonopoly Office will monitor the effective fulfillment of these obligations by companies. In the event of a violation, in addition to the possibility of reopening the investigation, the Antimonopoly Office may impose sanctions of up to 10 million euros. If Ferragni continues to fail to comply with the rules, the company may decide to suspend the company’s operations for a maximum period of 30 days.

Ferragni: “With appropriate antitrust commitments to protect consumers”

In response to the guarantor’s initiative, Tbs Crew Srl and Fenice Srl informed that the Office had closed their proceedings by accepting the commitments proposed by the companies and the other parties to the proceedings which they considered appropriate in order to ensure consumer protection.

The two companies, headed by Chiara Ferragni, explained that “in relation to communication activities related to charitable initiatives, both companies have decided Separate Clearly Work Who are you? usefuland the commitment to refrain from carrying out operations in which commercial activities are linked to charitable activities and, with regard to the latter, will be explained in a special section of the relevant websites to be created shortly.”

President Kodacon Carlo Renzi: “The transparency process that Codacons had already launched in 2020 to protect citizens from non-transparent or misleading charitable operations has been successfully concluded,” he explains. “We believe that the antitrust decision to replace sanctions with donations to those most in need is right, but the most important thing is that the absurd combination of charity and product sales has finally been prohibited, given that Chiara Ferragni’s companies have also clearly and permanently committed to separating their commercial and charitable activities.”