
UAE Continues Review of Private Sector Compliance with Midday Break


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Dr Abdulrahman Al Awar, Minister of Human Resources and Emiratisation, continued his review of the private sector’s compliance with the noon break – the ban on working in direct sunlight and outdoors between 12:30pm and 3pm – which came into effect on 15 June and is set to last until 15 September.

On Friday, Al Awar, accompanied by top officials from the Ministry, visited the construction site of Binghatti Developers to assess the level of commitment of private sector companies in fulfilling the requirements of the Midday Break programme, which is being implemented in the UAE for the 20th consecutive year to create a safe environment for workers, ensuring their health and safety in the face of rising summer temperatures.

The initiative requires companies to provide workers with shaded areas during lunch breaks to protect them from heat stress caused by sun exposure while working. Companies must also provide adequate cooling, sufficient drinking water to prevent dehydration, first aid equipment in the workplace and other measures to ensure employee comfort.

Al Awar was joined by Muhammad Binghatti, CEO of Binghatti Developers, who during the visit provided an overview of the key initiatives undertaken by the company to protect its employees and provide them with decent and safe working conditions.

The Minister praised Binghatti’s initiatives, acknowledging the significant commitment of the private sector across the UAE to uphold the occupational health and safety standards set by MoHRE, which have been implemented in workplaces and worker accommodation facilities in many parts of the country in collaboration with federal and local sector partners.

In June, Al Awar visited the Sobha Realty construction site to assess preparations for the midday break, touring the break areas and reviewing the company’s health and safety standards.

The inspection teams of the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization continue to conduct field visits to workplaces to ensure that companies comply with the regulations on the midday break. At the same time, they organize information campaigns to draw attention to the regulations and requirements of the initiative, conduct medical examinations of employees and offer training for managers of outdoor construction sites on first aid procedures, with special attention to cases related to heat stress. All this is done in cooperation with the Ministry’s partners from the government and private sectors.

This year’s Midday Break is being run alongside another initiative that has provided 6,000 rest areas for delivery workers in the UAE. An interactive map of these areas has also been provided to help workers easily locate and access them.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development (MoHRE) is implementing this initiative in collaboration with the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) of Dubai, the Abu Dhabi Integrated Transport Centre, the Economic Development Departments in each emirate and courier companies across the country.

The Ministry has asked members of the public to report any irresponsible practices or violations of lunch break regulations by contacting the Ministry of Human Resources and Public Health call centre at 600590000 or through the website or mobile app.