
Amazon to Shut Down Its Astro Security Robot has announced it will shut down its Astro for Business security robot for small and medium-sized businesses as it moves to focus on home robots.

Earlier in 2021, the e-commerce giant launched a dog-like robot for home use. Astr for Business was launched in November 2023 for a wide range of clients, including manufacturing, retail, wellness and health.

An Amazon spokesperson said: “To accelerate our work and research to make Astro the best home robot, we have made the decision to end support for Astro for Business.”

A home robot is designed to perform tasks such as monitoring your home, setting routines and reminders, and playing music and TV shows as it moves around your home.

Astro for Business Robot, priced at $2,349.99, is available exclusively in the US. It was launched to help customers monitor their businesses around the clock.

Astro for Business robots will stop working from September 25th.

Amazon announced a $300 credit for affected customers to help find an alternative workplace solution. Additionally, customers will no longer be charged for their Astro Secure subscription starting Wednesday and will receive refunds for any unused prepaid charges.