
Charities ‘must have a seat at the table’ – sector responds to Labour’s historic victory

Charity sector leaders have responded to the general election result, which saw Labour claim a historic landslide victory after 14 years of Conservative rule.

Civil society organisations have called on new Prime Minister Keir Starmer to take action promise of partnership with the sector and “reset” the relationship between it and the state.

NCVO chief executive Sarah Elliot said today that charities “must have a seat at the table” with the new government, while NPC chief executive Dan Corry said it was “vital that civil society has a strong voice in Whitehall” if Labour is to deliver on its missions.

Lilian Greenwood, the shadow minister for charities before the election, said last month that Labour victory would not mean ‘tons of extra funding’ for the sector, but wants to provide it with support.

NCVO: ‘Charities must have a seat at the table’

Elliott said: “This election result marks a significant shift in our political landscape and while the dynamics may have changed, the role of charities remains as important as ever.

“Over the past few months we have heard that the Labour Party is committed to working with the voluntary sector and that it sees charities as central to delivering its missions.

“We need to be really clear now – charities are not just here to deliver. We need to have a seat at the table from the very beginning of planning new policies and initiatives, so that the voices of communities are heard.

“There is a real opportunity now for the new government to seize it. The voluntary sector has an army of untapped and undervalued skills and potential to help transform this country.

“The government needs to forge new relationships with charities where we work in real partnership to build a better society. We are ready and willing to do that.”

ACEVO: “Reset the relationship between government and civil society”

Jane Ide, Chief Executive of ACEVO, said: “The Labour Government was elected on a promise of change and renewal for the country.

“Civil society leaders will not only be key partners in delivering this change, but will also ensure that the new government delivers on its commitment to govern in partnership with civil society.

“We look forward to working with the new administration to restore the relationship between government and civil society – not for our good, not for their good, but for the good of the people and causes we are all here to serve.”

CAF: “A fresh approach is needed”

Neil Heslop, chief executive of Charities Aid Foundation, said: “Charities are the backbone of society, experts in delivering services to communities and innovating to deliver big social impact. But they have fallen on hard times.

“This new government needs a new approach to working with civil society – to thrive, not just survive.

“A key enabler of this is a strategy to unlock greater philanthropy and social investment in the UK.”

NPC: ‘Labour’s shadow cabinet has forged strong links with the sector’

NPC’s Corry, a former head of policy at No 10, said: “This moment of change is a great opportunity for charities and philanthropists to join forces with Government and help improve the lives of people across the country.

“Labour’s shadow team has built strong links and good relationships with the sector in recent years – and we urge them to continue to do so in government, even if a new name for the DCMS team is needed.

“If Labour is to deliver on its five missions, it is crucial that civil society has a strong voice in Whitehall.

“As the new ministers begin to assume their duties, the NPC and the entire social sector – charities, funders, philanthropists and social investors – stand ready to help in the mission of rebuilding our country.”

CFG: “A lot of work to do”

Clare Mills, Deputy Chief Executive of Charity Finance Group (CFG), said: “This morning we saw a significant change in the UK political landscape. CFG, like many other charities and community organisations, looks forward to working with the new UK Government to address the complex challenges facing society.

“There is much to be done both at home and abroad: reversing the social and economic recession, tackling the cost of living crisis, poverty and inequality, putting local government and public services on a sustainable footing, and promoting unity rather than division.

“We know that charities are plugging bigger holes in the safety net of public services; this needs to change. We welcome the renewed focus on public services.

“Charities and social change organisations work hard every day – in partnership with the public and private sectors, across groups and communities – to make a real and positive impact on the people and communities we serve, using their expertise, insight and compassion.

“We will learn more about the new government’s priorities and the details of its policies in the coming days and weeks, starting with the King’s Speech on 17 July.

“Our sector will continue to advocate for communities around the world, work with decision-makers to find positive and practical solutions to problems, and hold the new government to account where necessary.”

Better Society Capital: “Ready to Support”

Stephen Muers, CEO of Better Society Capital, said: “I would like to congratulate Sir Keir Starmer and our new Government on taking office at a hugely important time.

“The social impact investment sector is ready to step up. By providing social and affordable housing, creating cheaper and more efficient public services, and funding innovative technology products that change lives every day, social impact investment has proven to be a trusted mechanism to help government deliver on its promises.

“By creating a policy environment that supports social investment, the new Government can leverage £50 billion of additional investment that will have a positive impact across the country.

“We look forward to working with Sir Keir Starmer and his new government to help deliver solutions that make better use of taxpayers’ money and make society better for everyone in the UK.”

Bonds: “Act urgently”

Romilly Greenhill, Chief Executive of Bond, the UK NGO network, said: “We call on the new Labour Government to urgently deliver on its manifesto commitment to restoring the UK’s reputation as an ambitious, credible and fair development partner.

“This will require the Prime Minister to demonstrate strong leadership and political will at upcoming global summits to forge key partnerships to address pressing issues such as global conflicts, extreme poverty, the debt crisis and climate change.

“We also call on the Prime Minister to bring together the Treasury, the Foreign Secretary and the Secretary for International Development to produce a clear roadmap to restore the UK aid budget to 0.7% of gross national income, to respond to the global debt crisis and champion reforms that make the international financial system more fair and equitable.”

UK Youth: ‘No Time to Lose’

Oscar Bingham, acting director of research and impact at UK Youth, said the charity looked forward to working with the Labour Government to support young people.

He welcomed the party’s manifesto commitments to extend the vote to 16- and 17-year-olds and to allocate almost £300m a year to the Young Futures Hubs programme.

“These measures, along with Labour’s pledge of targeted employment support, have the potential to deliver huge benefits for young people and we hope they will be high on the agenda for the new Government.

“We look forward to working with ministers and officials to make these promises a reality. With more than £1 billion a year cut from youth services in recent years, there is no time to waste.”

Hospice UK: ‘We want sustainable funding for hospices’

Responding to the election result, Hospice UK chief executive Toby Porter said the charity was looking forward to seeing how the new government would support the hospice sector.

“Labour’s manifesto rightly prioritised health and social care, with a focus on reducing pressure on the NHS and improving care in local areas. Hospices are ideally placed to help and will do so if given the right support.

“We hope to see strong commitments and action to ensure sustainable funding for hospices so they can continue their important work amid rising costs and be there for the people who need them, now and always.”