
ViCA.Chat provides companies with tailored regulatory solutions and AI tools

ViCA.Chat, an AI-powered virtual compliance assistant, is set to advance regulatory compliance consulting. Co-developed by ComplyMAP Group’s AI engineers and Complyport’s compliance consulting teams, ViCA represents a significant leap forward in governance, risk and compliance support services.

ViCA provides real-time assistance within the UK and EU regulatory frameworks, with a focus on efficiency and precision. Drawing on Complyport’s 22 years of regulatory experience, ViCA uses specialist databases and AI training tools to act as an experienced compatibility consultant.

The ViCA improvement process includes human support, feedback loops and quality assurance sessions to ensure enterprises have immediate updates and access to current regulatory information.

“With ViCA, compliance information becomes accessible to everyone. Regulated companies and responsible persons are no longer overly dependent on compliance advisors and consultants,” commented Luis Parra, Managing Director of ViCA.

“With ViCA, the financial system will not only meet but exceed regulatory standards. What’s more, the level of information made available to the public will benefit society as a whole in its interactions with the financial services sector.”

Adaptable regulatory solutions

A key element of the ViCA service is access to proprietary regulatory interpretations, historical data, and structured compliance documentation. Using advanced scraping capabilities, ViCA extracts relevant data from designated websites to offer comprehensive compliance information across industries.

ViCA seamlessly adapts to your needs financial technology startups, law firms, financial institutions, regulators, insurers and compliance consultants. The user-friendly interface simplifies navigation and analysis of regulatory data, optimizing compliance workflow.

ViCA’s cost-effective approach reduces the need for traditional consulting spend, making it an attractive option for enterprises seeking efficient compliance solutions without compromising accuracy or in-depth regulatory knowledge.

ViCA.Chat, an AI-powered virtual compliance assistant, is set to advance regulatory compliance consulting. Co-developed by ComplyMAP Group’s AI engineers and Complyport’s compliance consulting teams, ViCA represents a significant leap forward in governance, risk and compliance support services.

ViCA provides real-time assistance within the UK and EU regulatory frameworks, with a focus on efficiency and precision. Drawing on Complyport’s 22 years of regulatory experience, ViCA uses specialist databases and AI training tools to act as an experienced compatibility consultant.

The ViCA improvement process includes human support, feedback loops and quality assurance sessions to ensure enterprises have immediate updates and access to current regulatory information.

“With ViCA, compliance information becomes accessible to everyone. Regulated companies and responsible persons are no longer overly dependent on compliance advisors and consultants,” commented Luis Parra, Managing Director of ViCA.

“With ViCA, the financial system will not only meet but exceed regulatory standards. What’s more, the level of information made available to the public will benefit society as a whole in its interactions with the financial services sector.”

Adaptable regulatory solutions

A key element of the ViCA service is access to proprietary regulatory interpretations, historical data, and structured compliance documentation. Using advanced scraping capabilities, ViCA extracts relevant data from designated websites to offer comprehensive compliance information across industries.

ViCA seamlessly adapts to your needs financial technology startups, law firms, financial institutions, regulators, insurers and compliance consultants. The user-friendly interface simplifies navigation and analysis of regulatory data, optimizing compliance workflow.

ViCA’s cost-effective approach reduces the need for traditional consulting spend, making it an attractive option for enterprises seeking efficient compliance solutions without compromising accuracy or in-depth regulatory knowledge.