
Development of a new policy on the transport of public officials

President William Ruto has announced that a new policy on the transport of public servants will be developed for a period of 12 months.

The president announced the decision on Friday at the State Capitol in Nairobi, after a 12-month suspension of the purchase of new motor vehicles for government officials.

“The purchase of new motor vehicles by the government is suspended for 12 months, except for security agencies. A new policy on transport for public servants will be developed during this period,” Ruto said.

The President also suspended all non-essential business trips by state and public officials.

Ruto also announced a series of austerity measures by his administration aimed at curbing spending.

Ruto said that after extensive consultations, the government had decided to cut spending in various ways, including dissolving 47 state corporations with overlapping functions.

This, he said, will eliminate operating and maintenance costs.

“Their functions will be integrated with the functions of individual ministries,” the president said.

“Employees currently employed by the affected corporations will be transferred to ministries and other state agencies,” he added.