
Housing policy must play a key role from day one of the next government’s term in office

Now that the general election winner is clear, all eyes will be on Labour for its initial manifesto promises. There are a myriad of challenges in the housing sector at the moment and it is important that the current issues are acknowledged and addressed head on during the next parliamentary term.

Sustainable housing underpins a strong economy and many thriving communities across the UK and must be a key priority of any government strategy from the outset.

Propertymark is committed to solid cross-party cooperation that will lay the foundations for long-term positive progress in housing, extending beyond the next five-year term of this Government.

It is important that there is clear stakeholder engagement at all levels to help set a clear path on housing issues and provide valuable information, practical guidance and overall progress.

Propertymark continues to expect any new government to commit to a comprehensive transition towards greater digitalisation of the housing sector to enhance consumer usability and safety, as well as to promote solutions that offer greater levels of efficiency.

For a healthy housing sector, continued support for first-time buyers is essential to ensure that home ownership is a possibility that is always within reach for those who choose it. Clear thinking about energy efficiency is also essential to ensure that the UK leads the way in decarbonisation well into the next decade.

Nathan Emerson, CEO of Propertymark comments“The UK has had a chronic shortage of sustainable new homes for many decades and any new policies to increase housing supply must include full disclosure of how and when investment will be delivered. For many years the housing shortage has driven up prices for both homeowners and renters and it is vital that there is a plan in place to ensure supply keeps pace with real world demand.

“The UK population is expected to grow to around 70 million people over the next ten years and it is essential that there is a diverse mix of affordable housing options. Key aspects must include careful consideration to ensure that all new housing is logically deployed in targeted regions and, wherever possible, to protect green spaces.”