
Charities ‘must have a seat at the table’, sector leaders tell new Labour government

Voluntary sector leaders have called on the new Labour government to ensure charities are included in policy discussions at all levels if they are to work together.

Following Labour’s landslide general election victory, charity leaders have called on Sir Keir Starmer and his Labour colleagues to deliver on their promise to consult the voluntary sector on policy decisions.

Sarah Elliott, Chief Executive of the National Council of Voluntary Organisations, said: “This election result marks a significant shift in our political landscape. While the dynamics may have changed, the role of charities remains as important as ever.

“Over the past few months we have heard that Labour is committed to partnership with the voluntary sector and that it sees charities as essential to delivering their mission. We need to be really clear now – charities are not just here to deliver.

“We need to be part of the planning process for new policy initiatives from the very beginning to ensure that community voices are heard.”

She said the new government had a “real chance” to seize this opportunity.

“The voluntary sector has an army of untapped and undervalued skills and potential to help transform this country,” she said.

“The government needs to forge new relationships with charities where we work in real partnership to build a better society. We are ready and willing to do that.”

Dan Corry, chief executive of charity think tank NPC, said: “This moment of change is a powerful opportunity for charities and philanthropists to join forces with Government to help improve the lives of people across the country.

“If Labour is to deliver on its five missions, it is crucial that civil society has a strong voice in Whitehall.

“As the new ministers begin to assume their duties, the NPC and the entire social sector – charities, funders, philanthropists and social investors – stand ready to help in the mission of rebuilding our country.”

Jane Ide, chief executive of charity Acevo, said: “We look forward to working with the new administration to restore the relationship between government and civil society – not for our own good, not for theirs, but for the good of the people and causes we are all here to serve.”

Neil Heslop, Chief Executive of the Charities Aid Foundation, said: “Charities are the backbone of society, experts in delivering for communities and driving innovations that have huge social impact.

“But they have come through tough times. This new government needs a fresh approach to working with civil society – to thrive, not just survive.

“A key enabler of this is a strategy to unlock greater philanthropy and social investment in the UK.”

Stephen Muers, chief executive of Better Society Capital, a wholesale investment firm in social services, said his sector was ready to support the new government.

“By providing social and community housing, creating cheaper and more efficient public services, and funding innovative technology products that change lives every day, social investment has proven to be a reliable mechanism to help government deliver on its promises,” he said.

“By creating a policy environment that supports social investment, the new Government can leverage £50bn of additional investment to make a positive impact across the country.”