
Chiara Ferragni’s companies separate commercial and charitable activities after antitrust investigation

A breakthrough moment in the management of activities within…

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An epochal turning point in the management of activities in the Chiara Ferragni universe, which from today will clearly distinguish commercial activities from charitable ones. This change was announced in a press release issued by her companies, Tbs Crew Srl and Fenice Srl, after the end of the procedure initiated by the Antitrust Office regarding the promotion of “Easter Eggs and Precious Sweets” related to charitable initiatives. A series of commitments that will help avoid new stumbles, such as those in which Ferragni (and her companies) have stumbled in recent months. The influencer expressed her satisfaction with the positive conclusion of the procedure through her social channels, underlining the importance of transparency and social involvement in the management of activities. With this turning point, the Ferragni brand companies aim to consolidate consumer trust and continue their charitable initiatives in a clear and distinct way from commercial activities. Case: Antitrust decision The investigation, initiated last January, concerned the commercial promotion of “Ferragni brand” Easter eggs sold during the 2021 and 2022 holidays. The sale of these products was linked to a charitable initiative in favour of the social enterprise “I Bambini delle Fate”. The antitrust authority was tasked with verifying whether the information disseminated could lead consumers to believe that by purchasing these products they would directly financially support the social enterprise. Commitments made by the companies In response to the concerns of the antitrust authority, the companies involved presented a series of commitments, which were positively received by the authority. One of the main commitments concerns the clear separation of commercial and charitable activities. The companies undertook not to carry out activities in which these two types of activities are linked, thus guaranteeing greater transparency for consumers. In addition, Chiara Ferragni highlighted three main commitments made by the companies: 1. A contribution of €1.2 million will be made to the social enterprise “I Bambini delle Fate”. Ferragni emphasized that this is a voluntary donation, not a sanction; 2. The aforementioned separation of commercial and charitable activities; 3. Regulation of communication and marketing activities: the influencer companies will formalize internal regulations to ensure the correctness of communication and marketing activities. Operational structure: a communication turning point The companies announced the creation of a special section on their websites dedicated to charitable initiatives, thus providing a clear and transparent picture of the activities carried out. This move is an important step to ensure that consumers can clearly distinguish commercial from charitable initiatives. The Antimonopoly Office stated that the proposed measures are suitable for restoring the trust of consumers who in the past may have been convinced that purchasing “Ferragni brand” eggs directly contributes to charitable purposes. The Office made these commitments binding and reserved the right to verify their correct implementation. In the event of non-compliance with the commitments, companies may be charged with significant financial penalties and, in the case of repeated violations, suspension of their business activities.

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