
Remember All Those Government COVID Policies? Turns Out They Were Useless

It’s easy to forget now, but for several years, governments around the world, including our own, have been imposing a huge amount of authoritarian orders during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mandatory masks, vaccine passports, lockdowns, business closures, capacity limits, curfews, school closures, and in some countries, restrictions on the free movement of their own citizens. These policies were promoted by public health experts, enforced by state power, and enacted without any thought or concern for collateral damage. Although of course, after years of damage and destruction, even the most hardened anti-science extremists like Dr. Anthony Fauci have had to admit their mistakes.

TO READ: Fauci finally admits closing schools was a mistake

It turns out that in addition to the damage they did, the new study has once again confirmed that government orders have failed to achieve their primary goal: preventing the spread of COVID.

The government’s COVID policy has been completely useless

A new study published in Science was published in June and attempted to examine the impact of a wide range of COVID-19 policies across a wide range of countries.

“Government responses to COVID-19 have been among the most globally significant events of the 21st century. The extent to which responses — such as school closures — have been associated with changes in COVID-19 outcomes remains uncertain,” the study says.

Essentially, the researchers used a “multiverse analysis” to “offer a systematic approach to testing a wide range of models.” It included “daily data on 16 government responses across 181 countries in 2020–2021,” when most policies were in place.

They also analyzed four outcomes to determine whether the policies were effective: “cases, infections, COVID-19 deaths, and excess deaths from all causes.” They then fed the data into nearly 100,000 analytical models to try to find a comprehensive, definitive answer to the most important question: Is what we’re doing actually making a difference?

Spoiler alert: definitely not.

While some models suggested these mandates were “helpful,” most results showed there was no relationship between the policies and outcomes.

“No subanalysis (i.e., restricted to cases as an outcome) revealed a predominance of helpful or unhelpful associations,” the researchers write. “Of the 14 associations with P values ​​< 1 × 10−30, 5 were helpful, and 9 were not helpful." Essentially, of the 14 models that found an association between policies and outcomes where there was a potentially statistically significant association, nine concluded that government mandates were "not helpful."

“In sum, we find no patterns in the overall set of models that suggest a clear relationship between government responses to COVID-19 and outcomes,” they conclude. Or, in the simplest form, most devastating to Fauci and his allies, they say their results show that “strong claims about the impact of government responses to COVID-19 may not have empirical support.”

The orders caused harm and helped no one

Of nearly 100,000 simulations conducted, 58% of model outputs concluded that individual policies and mandates were “not helpful” in reducing any of the studied outcomes, COVID-19-related cases, deaths, or excess deaths.

Importantly, there was also no difference between the helpful and unhelpful models in terms of statistical significance; both helpful and unhelpful results were statistically significant or not significant to a similar degree.

But even more damning for extremists supporting the COVID-19 order is Which policies were mostly seen as unhelpful in limiting the negative impacts. Essentially, each of the experts’ “interventions” was promoted as the Most Important Thing We Could Do to Stop the Spread of the Virus.

The “most commonly unhelpful” results included:

  • Access to tests
  • Closing of schools
  • Masking rules
  • Vaccine availability

And among the “most often useless and most significant” were:

  • Government Response Index
  • Stringency Index
  • Closing the workplace

In short, the actions most unlikely to reduce the spread of COVID-19 or the number of deaths were testing, school closures, masks, vaccine availability, and strict government shutdowns.

It’s literally a complete and thorough dismantling of the entire public health profession. Their preferred mandates, the rules they forced upon the public, the rules they demonized critics for – all of that was completely useless. Beyond useless, it was probably useless.

Masks, ensuring everyone has access to COVID vaccines, strict workplace closures – literally Fauci’s doctrine of pandemic response. Completely ineffective. Of course, causing enormous harm to individuals and irreversibly, permanently damaging institutional trust.

These findings should be national news; driving the final nail into the coffin of any discussion of future orders or closures. Instead, because they defy the progressive consensus, they will be safely and conveniently ignored. You can’t learn from your mistakes if you never admit you made them.