
FSSAI tackles misleading food labels: bold, larger font for salt, sugar and fat content on packaged food products

The Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Regulations 2020 will require the nutritional content of total sugar, salt and saturated fat to be displayed in bold letters and larger font sizes on packaged food labels. This change will help consumers better understand the nutritional value of the foods they eat.

Invitation to express public opinion

The draft amendment notification will be published for public consultation, inviting suggestions and objections. This step ensures transparency and public participation in the regulatory process.

Focus on public health

The new labelling rules will also include the percentage of a portion in the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for total sugar, saturated fat and sodium in bold. These requirements are set out in Regulations 2(v) and 5(3) of the FSS (Labeling and Display) Regulations 2020.

Combating misleading statements

FSSAI continues to issue warnings to prevent false and misleading claims by food business operators (FBOs). Recent directives include removing the term “Health Drink” from labels and advertisements, banning the claim “100% Fruit Juice” for reconstituted juices, and regulating terms like wheat flour and refined wheat flour. These measures are aimed at protecting consumers from deceptive marketing practices.

Inclusive decision-making

The meeting was attended by senior officials from various ministries, including Health and Social Welfare, Trade, Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Law and Justice, and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Representatives from industry associations, consumer organizations, research institutes, and farmers’ organizations were also present, ensuring a comprehensive approach to decision-making on misleading food labels.


The FSSAI amendment to the food labelling regulations is a significant step towards empowering consumers and promoting public health. By making nutrition information more accessible, the body aims to help consumers make informed food choices and reduce the incidence of non-communicable diseases.