
PowerField Énergie: Launch of 52 MWh energy storage system

PowerField, a Dutch developer and owner of solar parks and energy storage systems, announces the launch of a 52 MWh storage system in Wanneperveen. This initiative marks the launch of PowerField Energy, a unit dedicated to managing the supply and sale of solar energy.
PowerField aims to integrate over 1 GWp of solar farms and 2 GWh of storage systems by 2028. Their subsidiary PowerGo specializes in fast-charging stations for electric vehicles, powered by solar energy generated by PowerField.

Energy flow optimization

PowerField Energy supplies, sells and trades solar energy, ensuring stability in the electricity grid. Jean-Louis Bertholet, CEO of PowerField, emphasizes the importance of optimizing energy flows by combining production, storage and management under its own administration.

Pioneering projects and partnerships

The Wanneperveen facility with a 28 MWp solar park and 52 MWh storage system is the largest of its kind in the Netherlands. In addition to Wanneperveen, PowerField is developing a 12 MWh battery project in Emmen. The agreement with Enexis Netbeheer gives PowerField flexible access to the electricity grid, using the storage capacity when the grid is saturated and freeing up space for other projects.

New recipes

From January 1, 2025, the Dutch government will introduce new regulations to encourage solar projects with energy storage. PowerField anticipates this trend with its battery and storage system designs, as illustrated on the Wanneperveen website.

Access to the European market

PowerField Energy is making solar energy available to the European market, powering PowerGo charging stations and offering energy to large consumers through Guarantees of Origin (GoO) certificates and Power Purchase Agreements (PPA). Jean-Louis Bertholet emphasizes that these initiatives are key steps towards the realization of the Virtual Power Plant, which aims to commercialize energy production in a sustainable and balanced way.