
Demonstration of competence in the building envelope sector

building envelope
This framework will become a recognized measure of competence for building envelope suppliers (Photo:

What does competence look like in the building envelope industry? Su Butcher talks to Neville Grunwald of Wates, chair of the sector’s Joint Competence Initiative, and Ross Finnie of AccuRoof, who is on the management steering group.

Su Butcher: Demonstrating competence is one of the more complex challenges of the Building Safety Act and will take years to achieve. What does this mean and how will it be achieved in the envelope sector?

Neville Grunwald: The Building Safety Act applies to all buildings and requires us to meet the functional requirements set out in building regulations and to have work carried out by competent persons.

Both of these things sound simple but are difficult. No one shows us what good looks like; while there are three PAS documents that set the framework, it is up to the leading trade bodies to define the actual standards of competence.

It has been a difficult four years for the supply chain. It is now difficult to require them to prove their competence through additional training. While there is training available for installers, there is no such provision for designers, specifiers, purchasers and construction managers, all of whom have a direct impact on the quality and safety of buildings.

Ross Finn: The JCI (Joint Competence Initiative) is trying to define a competency framework for the entire industry. It’s a huge task, but we’re working on a solution, starting with a basic competency test for the Building Safety Act. AccuRoof field technicians inspect our roofs. They also train subcontractors and are trained by the manufacturer. But who’s to say that the manufacturer is competent?

NG: The purpose of the Building Safety Act is to prove skills, knowledge, experience and behaviour (SKEB), so it is not just about training.

What is JCI and how does it relate to building safety?

NG: JCI is part of the Industry Competence Steering Group (ICSG), which reports to the Industry Competence Committee (ICC). We work with them as part of their ‘super sector programme’ to develop standards of installation competence for each type of roofing material. SIG (AccuRoof’s parent company) helps with this.

“People will have to demonstrate their competence through a regular test, which will be part of the code of conduct.”

Ross Finnie, AccuRoof

We were founded four years ago by 12 Tier 1 contractors and recruited trade bodies – the National Federation of Roofing Contractors, the Liquid Roofing and Waterproofing Association (LWRA), the Institute of Roofing. We also engaged customers, insurers, manufacturers, distributors and specialist contractors of all sizes, all with different views on what is needed and how to do it.

Will the JCI approach become a recognized measure of competence for envelope suppliers?

NG: Yes – we all need to work together to create one set of standards; more than one path will only create confusion. We are already well on our way: the ICC and ICSG Chairs refer to us as the leading authority on competence in the building envelope sector. We need to keep pushing to set standards and then start thinking about the gaps in training.

How will the training work? Well, I have a 37 year career in the industry – how will I find all my CPD certificates and manufacturer training after all that? It’s impractical. The basic competency test that JCI is developing will provide a way of demonstrating prior learning and can be used as a basis for building on additional training and CPD. Competencies are not static; they need to evolve constantly.

RF: Not to mention the legislative changes. People will have to demonstrate their competence through a regular test as part of the code of practice, with measures in place to train everyone and keep them aware. Working with JCI has certainly helped us demonstrate our commitment to meeting the competence requirements.

What will this mean in practice for manufacturers, designers and installers?

NG: Main contractors and main designers and their subcontractors and suppliers will have to prove their SKEB so there is no repeat of Grenfell where the architect was pushed beyond his experience. The requirements for construction have not changed much because the industry has always had to operate within the building regulations which include competence. What has changed is that the government now holds us to account through the regulator.

Do you think the contractual arrangements will change? Does this mean the end of design and construction?

NG: Design and construction are not the enemy – the enemy is the design of the project as it is being built. Ross and I have been on many roofs where someone did something wrong, for the right reasons. Usually, it’s because the architect or installer didn’t tell AccuRoof about the problem, so they couldn’t take care of it.

“A key part of competence is knowing where your competence ends. I won’t sign off on passive fire protection because I’m not a fire engineer.”

Neville Grunwald, Wates

The installer goes on site and thinks, “well, I’ll just fix it.” It’s these on-site issues that lead to damage to the building envelope that can later cause health problems for residents. That’s why I really admire FIS (Finishes and Interiors Sector) who are promoting the idea of ​​installers using a “responsible no.”

RF: We are getting involved earlier in roofing projects, in a more collaborative effort. A bit more time in the initial design review during RIBA Stages 3 and 4, so that we don’t miss any of these critical details and can address them in due course.

Isn’t that a big cultural change?

NG: You’re absolutely right. A key part of competence is knowing where your competence ends. I won’t sign up to the passive fire protection scheme because I’m not a fire engineer – it’s the same with roofing. I’m spread across a range of disciplines, but Ross Finnie and his team are much more focused, so when they say it’s not the best solution, I’d be a fool not to listen. We’re trying to build a team; the better our supply chain is, the easier my life becomes. A rising tide lifts all boats.

RF: For example, architects are defined by their projects and look at things from that perspective. But we have to have the strength to say when something is not working.

We had a project similar to this where the architect wanted to bring a single-ply membrane down to ground level and we gave up because it didn’t work. The architect hired another consultant but the test rigs failed. They came back to us for another solution, so ultimately it was in everyone’s best interest to say no.

NG: No one will thank you for delivering a failed building. The idea that we can avoid confronting a bad decision will not protect us from meeting someone in a curly wig sometime in the future.

Where can I find out more?

NG: In the next few months we will register member organisations and launch a website. In the meantime, please feel free to contact me on LinkedIn. The JCI White Paper is available on the Council for Aluminium in Building (CAB) website.

In addition, we have PAS Flex 8670 for the general competency framework, as well as PAS 8671 for the role of principal designer and persons performing designer responsibilities and PAS 8672 for the role of principal contractor and persons performing contractor responsibilities.