
PSA criticises coalition government’s English-first policy, says mixed messages are ‘confusing’ – Te Ao Māori News

The implementation of the Government’s controversial position on the Māori language in public administration has been described as “diabolically confusing” as different departments take different approaches to implementing the Coalition’s English-first position.

New Zealand First led a campaign to strip government departments of their te reo names, with Winston Peters stating at the time that “this is not an attack on the Māori language – it is an attack on a virtue-signaling elite who have hijacked the language for their own socialist purposes”.

This position was adopted in the National/New Zealand First coalition agreement, which stated that the government would “ensure that all public service departments have their principal name in English” and “require public service departments and Crown entities to communicate primarily in English”, except those with a strong Māori presence.

After the matter came before Cabinet in May, Public Service Minister Nicola Willis announced that there would be no government-wide order but that she had instructed each minister to deal with the matter individually within their own department.

Marcia Puru, representative of Te Rangai Kaitakawaenga Maori, the national leader of the Maori people, said: Herald This led to an inconsistent approach across ministries, with ministers from different political parties “not sharing the same views”.

“You’ve got Nicola Willis, the public service minister, saying something completely different, so we’re confused by the messages that are coming from the Crown. It’s not healthy for our members.”

She added that PSA members find the rules “bloody confusing.”

The approach to this issue varied between departments, with one department being told not to use the word “Aotearoa” and another being told to use the word te reo “everywhere and everywhere”.

By decision of Ministers, some departments have had to change their names from te reo to English ones, while others continue to operate under the te reo name.

Public Service Minister Nicola Willis with Taoiseach Christopher Luxon (left), National Party’s Chris Bishop, Act Party leader David Seymour and NZ First leader Winston Peters. Photo / Mark Mitchell

Departments including Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora and New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi have changed their names from “te reo” to “first English”.

An NZTA spokesman said: Herald received an “oral request” from Transport Minister Simeon Brown to change the name back to the English version, in line with the coalition agreement.

“With the change of government in 2023, we have taken appropriate steps to implement the new government’s policy that organisations providing public services should have their principal name in English.”

“We took a phased approach, including changing templates and updating our logo, with the design done in-house to minimise costs.”

A Health NZ spokesperson said the change was made “to align with government expectations”.

However, other departments, such as Oranga Tamariki and Kainga Ora, have not changed their names and continue to operate under their te reo names.

Last month, Oranga Tamariki said it had “not received any information from Ministers regarding the use of te reo Māori”.

However, Children’s Minister Karen Chhour is reportedly in talks to change the ministry’s name from Oranga Tamariki – Ministry for Children to Ministry for Children – Oranga Tamariki. A spokesman for Chhour’s office said it would be done “in the least expensive way possible”.

The housing agency also said it had not received “any communication from the Minister of Housing regarding a potential name change”.

In a statement, Chris Bishop said: “The Kāinga Ora’s name is in the legislation so this would require a change to the law. There may be changes to the legislation as we work through the recommendations of the independent review and we will consider this at that time.”

In addition to the name change, individual departments were given varying expectations regarding the use of te reo in internal and external communications.

Māori Development and Environmental Protection Minister Tama Potaka has advised the Department of Environmental Protection that te reo Māori can be used “anywhere and everywhere”.

Other ministers have taken the opposite approach, with information released under the Access to Official Information Act showing Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters ordering the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to “refer to New Zealand rather than Aotearoa or Aotearoa New Zealand”.

New Zealand First, led by Winston Peters, campaigned to strip government departments of te reo names, arguing that using them was virtue signalling. Photo / Mark Mitchell

Puru said members of the Public Service Association have expressed serious concernsattack government’s approach, which they see as a “racist attack.”

“We’ve done a lot of great work, but I feel like we’re going backwards,” she said.

The issue is currently the subject of an urgent Waitangi Tribunal inquiry launched late last year by Ngāi Te Rangi, whose chair says the government is trying to “eradicate” te reo and undo decades of progress in revitalising the Māori language.

A week of hearings concluded last month and the tribunal is now considering the issue of whether the government’s position, as it is argued, causes significant and irreparable harm to te reo Māori.

Evidence presented at the hearing included a letter from Willis to Acting Public Service Commissioner Heather Baggott detailing Willis’ approach to implementing the policy.

“I agreed with my colleagues that we do not intend to issue a Public Service-wide directive on the names and messaging used by government departments,” Willis wrote.

“Individual ministers and agencies have responded to the Coalition commitment on an individual basis and will continue to do so. I have recommended that in doing so they engage in discussion with their agencies, be clear about their expectations, be aware of their responsibilities to protect and promote te reo Māori and, where appropriate, seek advice from the commission and the Attorney-General.”

New Zealand First, which championed the policy, maintains its leadership position in English.

A spokesman for Winston Peters said: Herald In a statement, the party “believes that public service departments and state entities must focus on clear communication when dealing with citizens – which means prioritizing English.”

“New Zealand First is working with government partners to deliver on our coalition agreement commitments during this term,” the spokesman said.

The National Party’s approach is more lenient. Willis said the government “values ​​Māori as an official language and the foundation of Māori culture and identity”.

“The Government believes that public services and information should be accessible to New Zealanders with communication in a language they understand. This includes using the most widely understood language in New Zealand – English – as well as te reo Māori and other languages, where appropriate.”

Ethan Manera is a Wellington-based multimedia journalist. He joined NZME in 2023 and has a keen interest in politics, local affairs and public service. Ethan is always looking for a story and can be contacted at [email protected] or I sent a message to X (formerly Twitter) @ethanjmanera

NZ Herald