
Is oil renewable? – Energy and capital

Is crude oil renewable?

is oil renewable

While I know that what I am about to write may upset some people, the truth is that yes, oil Is renewable.

As described by National Geographic years ago, when prehistoric animals and plants died out, layers of rock and dirt gradually buried them. Over millions of years, the heat and pressure of the Earth’s crust broke down these organisms into one of three main types of fuel—oil, natural gas, and coal.

Since animals and plants will always die and decay, oil will always be created. It’s the cycle of nature. Of course, it would be disingenuous to suggest that oil is renewable in order to discredit the value of things like solar, wind, and geothermal energy. After all, every day the wind blows and the sun shines. But it takes millions of years for oil, natural gas, and coal to form and be useful for our daily energy needs.

That being said, it doesn’t matter that oil is renewable, since it can’t be produced as fast as we consume it. So, beyond understanding it from a scientific perspective, the question itself — is crude oil renewable? — serves no real purpose in satisfying our needs.

Is Oil Renewable? Does It Matter?

Here on Energy and capital, We are interested in one thing only: helping to create wealth by profiting from the most profitable energy and energy-related opportunities in the world. And that includes virtually everything. Oil, natural gas, nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal, energy storage, and all the materials and mechanisms that allow us to use these resources as efficiently as possible.

Of course, my specialty is renewable energy. Or more precisely, renewable energy created from sources that do not take millions of years to produce. But that does not mean I am against fossil fuels.

The truth is, one of the best performing stocks in my portfolio right now is Civitas Resources (NYSE: CIVI). It’s a domestic oil and gas play.

The company’s operations are concentrated along the Denver-Julesburg, Delaware, and Midland basins, the three highest producing and lowest break-even basins in the United States.

Civitas’ track record is excellent. I especially like the fact that Civitas is on track to become the first carbon-neutral oil and gas producer in Colorado by the end of this year. This is especially interesting to me because I’ve always appreciated companies that don’t treat the planet like a toilet.

But don’t think for a second that the company’s environmental efforts have prevented it from achieving the goals its shareholders expected.

Civitas has achieved profits in excess of 115% over the past three years. And that figure does not include the very attractive dividend yield of 8%.

citizen chart

I am also quite optimistic about new technologies that allow oil companies to increase production without drilling additional wells. This new drill doubles or even triples oil production from the same area of ​​land.

This essentially allows oil companies to get a second oil well — Absolutely free.

I also like that this new technology can increase production while minimizing environmental impact.

Of course, the most important thing for us is that the company behind this new drill is making a fortune off of us. And what else can you expect from technology that offers…

  • Massive 50% reduction in drilling time
  • Savings of $10 million compared to traditional methods
  • Phenomenal 100% increase in production capacity

It’s obvious. That’s why I’m including a link to this new report which describes in detail how this technology works and, more importantly, provides the name of this company and its ticker symbol.

Summary: I don’t care if you think oil is renewable or not. I just care if you make money. That’s why I highly recommend it Buy this new water well drilling equipment now.

Towards a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

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Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is the founder and managing editor of Green Chip Stocks. You can learn more about Jeff on his editor page.

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