
Norway tightens rules on Russian fishing vessels

The Norwegian government is introducing new restrictions on how Russian fishing vessels can land fish in the country, increasing scrutiny of the vessels’ activities.

In October 2022, Norway restricted Russian fishing vessels to just three ports – Kirkenes and Båtsfjord in the Barents Sea and Tromsø in the Norwegian Sea. Norway introduced the restrictions in 2022 in response to the latter country’s invasion of Ukraine.

These restrictions also included tighter inspections and security checks at ports they were allowed to visit. Former Norwegian Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt said at the time that the ships were still allowed to enter Norway to maintain joint management of fish stocks in the Barents Sea and the Norwegian Sea As Norwegian Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Marianne Sivertsen Næss said, the issue remains important.

Now the government has announced further restrictions and controls at three ports, limiting the time and place where Russian ships can dock. The government said it also plans to increase police activity.

“Norway has a fundamental interest in looking after the fish stocks in the Barents Sea. This is important for employment and settlement in the north, especially in Finnmark,” she said. “At the same time, we need to ensure that no undesirable activities take place in the three ports that are partially exempt from the extensive port ban we have along the coast. We will now introduce new restrictions that take into account both sustainable management and better control in ports.”

Norway said the biggest increase in police activity would occur at the port of Båtsfjord and that it plans to ensure that customs and police “share information more closely”.

“We have closed all ports to Russian vessels, except for three ports that are partially open to Russian fishing vessels,” said Norwegian Minister of Justice and Emergency Preparedness Emilie Enger Mehl. “Inspection activity is already high, but police and customs are now strengthening their controls; we are imposing stricter requirements on Russian fishing vessels while they are in port.”

Among the restrictions are time limits for Russian ships docking in Norway. Previously, ships had no restrictions on how long they could stay at the dock in the three partially open ports. Now, these ships will have a maximum of five working days in any port, limited to seven days including weekends and holidays. In addition, at least three days must have passed since their previous stopover in a Norwegian port.

While in port, Russian ships will now also be restricted to specific shore facilities. At these facilities, ships will be subject to increased scrutiny by customs, police, the Norwegian State Police, and the Norwegian Armed Forces will “continue to monitor all maritime activity.”

Norway’s increased scrutiny of Russian fishing vessels comes after the Netherlands officially cut off access to its ports following investigations published by local media outlet Pointer that claimed the vessels were being used to spy on Dutch ports. Initially, the Netherlands provided exemptions for Russian-flagged vessels carrying food products – including fishing vessels. It also came after Norwegian public broadcaster NRK published an article claiming that some Norwegian vessels were helping Russia bypass bans in other European ports.

The new port restrictions in Norway come a day after the country announced it had joined new European Union sanctions against Russia, targeting the energy, financial and trade sectors. They include restrictive measures against 116 individuals and entities.

“Russia is not investing in its own future, but is betting everything on victory on the battlefield. This has a huge impact on the security of Norway and Europe. Increased Western support for Ukraine is the best way to ensure that Russia does not win,” said Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide.