
Positive outlook for HealthEngine

Perth-based online GP appointment booker HealthEngine is considering a stock market listing as its rapid growth forces it to move beyond its technology finance roots.

The tech start-up success story, which currently employs 55 people at its Perth office, recorded more than one million online bookings last week and the company now represents around 3000 GP, physiotherapist and other specialist practices.

And with 120,000 appointments a month available through the website, CEO Marcus Tan says another million should be within reach.

“The growth has been significant over the past 12 months,” said Dr TanWestBusiness .

“It was a combination of word of mouth and marketing on our part.

“It took some time, but I think more and more people are feeling more comfortable making appointments with specialists online.”

The company, founded in 2006, generates revenue from transactional contracts with family doctors and monthly contracts with physiotherapists and other specialists.

Last year, an appointment was made through his site every two minutes. This year, it’s every 20 seconds.

“We are on the path to profitability,” Dr Tan said of the company, which includes Seven West Media, a publisherWestern Australia owns 30 percent of the shares.

“We could be profitable tomorrow if we wanted to, but right now it’s about scaling up.”

On the option of an initial public offering, Dr Tan said it was “certainly on the table” but stressed that the timing was right to consider it.

“The IPO option is on the table,” he said. “We are exploring it.”

The tech company’s website currently receives six million visitors a year.

About 40 percent of patient appointments were booked between 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. — a time once considered dead time for any medical practice.