
Canton Sustainability Committee monitors clean energy efforts

The New York Power Authority has installed new fast chargers for electric vehicles at Stewarts Shops in Potsdam. (Photo: Catherine Wheeler)

Catherine WheelerCanton Sustainability Committee monitors clean energy efforts

Canton’s Sustainability Committee has launched a new decarbonization campaign, asking city and rural residents to report whether they’ve taken recent clean energy actions. The data could help communities apply for state grants.

“The main actions they can take are subscribing to a local distributed generation project like Northern Power and Light or another community solar project,” said Evelyn Laferriere, a climate action leader at St. Lawrence University’s campus. “That could be purchasing a new electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid, or installing an air-source or ground-source heat pump at home, or filling out forms for rebates or other incentives in the process of installing a heat pump at home.”

If you live in the village of Canton, you must take these actions on or after March 29. If you live in the city of Canton, it is on or after May 5, Laferriere said. You can report your actions using this form.

The Sustainability Committee, in partnership with Cornell Cooperative Extension, is monitoring this so communities can earn points for NYSERDA Clean Energy Communities grants.

“This campaign is simply a way to track the different energy actions that members of our community may already be taking to help us earn points and show that members of our community are taking action,” she said.

Communities will then be able to apply for grants that could be used for solar installations, the purchase of electric vehicles, electric vehicle charging stations and the installation of heat pumps, Laferriere said.

“It’s really important for people to see that they can take action that will save them money and also help save the planet, (aiming to) reduce carbon emissions but also showing that it can help the whole community, and the village and the town, to meet their different energy goals,” she said.

Laferriere said they are counting on five to 10 people in each category.