
5 Questions About Commercial Drone Regulation That Will Be Answered at Commercial UAV Expo

July 9, 2024


FAA regulations are critical to commercial drone operators as they shape the capabilities and limitations of their programs. One of the major challenges of integrating drones into the airspace is balancing the FAA’s concern for safety with the drone industry’s desire to innovate faster. That’s why understanding how commercial drone regulations are changing now and in the future is especially important.

That’s why sorting out the commercial drone regulatory landscape is a primary goal of the Policy Track at Commercial UAV Expo. But the event will also be an opportunity to explore regulation in a variety of ways throughout the show. Attendees will hear from FAA officials themselves, and their insights will determine the answers to the following key questions, which will be fully explored at the event.

1. Will Part 108 prove to be a turning point for the drone industry?

Part 107 was a watershed moment for the commercial drone industry, as it established and defined the parameters for how and where drones could be used commercially. But Part 108 could prove to be even more significant, as it is designed to fully enable BVLOS operations, which is often considered the biggest barrier to growth and scale for the technology. What’s in the rule? When will it go into effect? ​​Who will benefit the most? A panel of industry and government contacts is set to answer all of these questions and more.

2. How do FAA officials view the present and future of regulation?

The FAA plays a key role in the drone industry, as regulations have shaped and defined commercial operations of all kinds. Recognizing this, the FAA is actively working to integrate and scale UAS operations, and upcoming changes will allow companies to conduct advanced operations such as BVLOS, over people or at night. But what’s the bigger picture? How is the FAA framing these key updates? What are some of the specific developments and challenges in the rulemaking process that operators need to be aware of? You’ll be able to hear answers to these questions from FAA officials themselves in the Drone Policy Update, which outlines everything you need to know about the FAA’s regulations.

3. What does navigating the regulations mean in infrastructure projects?

Navigating the complex regulatory landscape surrounding the use of drones in infrastructure projects is no easy feat. How have organizations managed to work within the established FAA regulations and processes to implement enterprise drone programs to augment their routine inspection needs? Have exemptions played a role in their success with this technology? From safety concerns to BVLOS operations and large-scale work, this session at Commercial UAV Expo will delve into key considerations and strategies to fully leverage the potential of drones while maintaining safety and compliance in infrastructure projects.

4. What is the situation regarding a potential ban on the sale of DJI drones?

The passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has influenced how government officials, advocacy groups, and others prepare for what could be a radically changed business environment for the drone industry. Anyone serious about the technology must be able to identify solutions that not only meet security and compliance requirements but redefine them, regardless of what may or may not change with what many are calling the “DJI drone ban.” How these regulations will be further defined in the short and long term is a major concern for drone operators of all types, and updates on these developments will be discussed in detail in the Drone Security and Counter Drone session, but also throughout the program.

5. When will we see any of these regulatory changes?

It’s a big question that operators and organizations are asking themselves in different ways and at different levels, but it underscores why this topic is so critical to the present and future of the industry. It hangs over every operator and organization, influencing how stakeholders can move forward with solutions they know will create value. That’s why the opening keynotes on both days will feature senior leaders from the FAA who will be able to provide a better sense of this time and what operators need to be thinking about and actively planning for.

If you would like to learn more about these advances, please visit UAV Fair 2024, use this link register or see the full conference program Here.