
Conversational Commerce: AI Gets Talkative


  • Changing consumer attitudes. Traditional e-commerce is evolving towards conversational commerce.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence. Generative AI in e-commerce will transform the way consumers shop and brands interact.
  • KPI tracking. Monitoring AI-powered shopping experiences is critical to growth.

Do you remember the first thing you bought online? If you’re like me, you probably didn’t. But I do remember the awe and wonder of being able to enter my credit card details on a website and then have my order delivered to me a few days (or maybe weeks) later. This early form of digital shopping paved the way for what we now call conversational commerce.

Let’s look at the history of e-commerce and the future of generative AI in e-commerce.

Related Article: How AI is Changing E-Commerce Personalization

Will Generative AI in e-commerce change shopping forever?

What a crazy idea!

Well, that crazy concept doesn’t seem so crazy anymore. Over the past 25 years, ordering products online and having them delivered has become second nature. Everything from visiting the product homepage, to the product landing page, to the product detail page, to the shopping cart and checkout has remained pretty much the same.

Well, I’m here to tell you that all of that is about to change thanks to our favorite two-letter buzzword — AI.

Historically, AI has been around in e-commerce for a long time—just not in the way we’ve seen it used recently. Google, for example, built its business on search algorithms, which are essentially AI. When you shop online, that storefront personalizes products and recommendations based on who you are, what you like, and what you’ve previously purchased.

Yes, AI in e-commerce is nothing new in the world of online shopping, but the way it is used in the future will fundamentally change the way you and I shop — forever.

Here’s how.

Related Article: Time to Redefine Conversational Commerce

E-commerce: Moving to Conversational Commerce

The days of the traditional e-commerce experience—where you land on a homepage, browse product catalogs, click around a bunch of times, enter your credit card information, and make a purchase—are starting to change. They’re going to shift to what I call “conversational commerce.” (See where I’m going with this?)

We, as humans, crave communication and conversation. A 2023 study detailed how “having one conversation a day with other people increases happiness and reduces stress.” I’m always up for more happiness and less stress, right?

Conversational commerce is a concept where consumers can talk, converse, and describe to a brand what they want, what they’re trying to do, or what’s important to them in order to make a product or service selection that’s specifically tailored to their persona. Similar to some guided sales workflows, like Ikea’s Comfort Guide or MAC’s Lipstick Finder, conversational commerce takes digital guided sales workflows and supercharges them with the introduction of generative AI and decision modeling into the conversational flow.

This image features a series of black-and-white stylized mouths with different expressions, interspersed with colorful speech bubbles in shades of orange, pink, yellow, and blue. The mouths and speech bubbles are arranged in a horizontal pattern, suggesting a lively, dynamic conversation in a piece about conversational commerce.
Conversational commerce is a concept in which consumers can talk, dialogue, and describe to a brand what they want, what they are trying to do, or what is important to them in order to make a product or service selection tailored to their individual preferences.uggguggu on Adobe Stock Photos

Austin AI tech startup Logictry is taking this mindset and implementing it on its platform. Its mission is simple: scaling the world’s wisdom to give everyone the power to choose. Logictry focuses on delivering a guided ordering workflow that takes what Ikea and MAC do to another level. Rather than offering a handful of options to choose from, Logictry aims to make commerce conversational. It focuses on giving consumers the ability to “talk” and “chat” with a brand in human form.

Wait what?

Related Article: How Different Types of Conversational Marketing Tools Work Together

Generative AI: Redefining Decision-Making in E-Commerce

Logictry has developed a consumer-facing interface where you can ask literally anything. Instead of generative AI simply spitting out an answer, its platform displays various related questions around the initial query to better help you use logic to make a decision.