
Iowa biofuel plant uses solar energy to reduce carbon footprint


Iowa biofuel plant uses solar energy to reduce carbon footprint

Biofuel producer uses solar energy to reduce its carbon footprint.

Edgar Castro of Chevron Renewable Energy Group says installing solar panels at his northern Iowa facility will cut its electricity consumption by nearly half.

“About two years ago, someone had the idea that if we went off the grid and went solar, we could reduce the carbon intensity of this particular plant.”

He says Brownfield farmers, who supply feedstock to the renewable diesel plant in Mason City, will benefit.

“This board will also help us reduce our OPEX, so if we can reduce our OPEX, this factory will have more days of production. The more days of production, the more we can get their byproducts that we can convert into renewable energy.”

Castro says the solar project is expected to be completed by the end of this year.