
Will there ever be a revision of the EU Cosmetics Regulation?

A potential review of the CPR was announced in 2020 as part of the EU Sustainable Chemicals Strategy, which aims to remove potentially harmful chemicals from consumer products.

The amendment to the CPR would enable the European Commission to ban the use of persistent and bioaccumulative chemicals or ingredients that affect the reproductive or hormonal system in cosmetics.

The revision of the REACH Regulation, which applies in parallel to the CPR and also affects the cosmetics sector, was also due to be reviewed but was put on hold in February 2024.

CPR revision: “no consensus in the Commission”

At the annual Cosmetics Europe (CEAC) conference on 19tIn June in Brussels, Hans Ingels, head of unit at DG GROW in the European Commission, said that political discussions were ongoing on how best to revise the CPR.

He explained that an impact assessment had been carried out which showed that some of the options would be costly for the industry and that there is currently “no consensus in the Commission”.

Cosmetics Europe CEO John Chave compared the revised proposal to the Loch Ness Monster, stating: “Some claim to have seen it, but its existence has never been proven.”

“It’s interesting that we had an hour-and-a-half session on a regulation that hasn’t actually been published yet,” Chave told CosmeticsDesign-Europe after the panel discussion.

He pointed out that Ingels had said he had never seen so many people happy with regulations that had not yet been published.