
Default Find My Device settings prioritize privacy over performance

Some users of the Android Find My Device network have complained about performance issues with tracker detection. This is apparently due to the Find My Device network’s “default aggregation” approach, which prioritizes privacy over performance. The company defends this decision, but also suggests setting the option to “Networked in all areas” to improve performance and accuracy for everyone.

Find My Device “Default Aggregation” may impact performance, but can be changed

The improved Find My Device network offers four options for managing your participation. Devices are added to the network three days after the user receives the notification email. There are also trackers that force network aggregation on devices that are still offline. That said, devices on the network don’t default to the setting that offers the best performance. That’s because Google’s “aggregation by default” approach is intended to give you more control over your privacy. This means that users can voluntarily improve the functionality in the Find My Device settings.

Google describes the “default aggregation” approach by saying that “the Find My Device network requires multiple nearby Android devices to discover a tag before reporting its location to the tag owner.” This behavior corresponds to the “Only connect to networks in high-traffic areas” option in the Find My Device settings. Google is also aware that this approach can negatively impact performance. The support page says that “this can sometimes impact the detection of Bluetooth trackers, especially in low-traffic areas.”

Here’s How to Fix Tracker Detection Problems

To solve this type of problem, the company recommends changing the settings to “Network in all areas.” But why didn’t Google make this the default option? Basically, it wants to give you control over your privacy. With this approach, you decide whether you want your device to participate in the network in any area.

Finally, the company also says that Find My Device network performance will improve as more users enable the “Networked in all areas” option, even for those who keep the default option. This is because low-traffic areas will gradually be reduced.