
The island’s arts, science and sports sectors benefit from a philanthropic cash injection

The Jersey Community Foundation has awarded the first instalment of CI Lottery funding in 2024, worth £149,815, which will be allocated to the arts, science and sport sectors on the Island.

A total of £149,815 in Channel Islands Lottery funding has been awarded to 13 organisations, charities and voluntary groups in the first of two annual rounds of grants administered by the Jersey Community Foundation. The CI Lottery funding is awarded twice a year, in May and November, for projects including arts, culture and heritage; science and research; and sport and active lifestyles.

Funded through the purchase of lottery tickets in the Channel Islands, the funding is a vital source of support that significantly contributes to the work of a range of charitable and voluntary organisations and groups. It provides resources for projects, programmes, services, infrastructure, research, equipment and other essential needs, helping charities to make a positive and lasting impact. The JCF is pleased to share the full list of grant recipients for the first round of funding and hopes that more organisations will apply to apply for CI Lottery funding before their second deadline on 4 October 2024.

Organisations that received the first round of CI Lottery funding include:

  • Rugby Jersey Club has been awarded £5,000 to help create more opportunities for disabled, elderly and young families on the island to get involved. The grant will be used specifically to provide a lift to the upper club and viewing area.
  • Art of Movement Collective received £10,000 for four projects that aim to cultivate a vibrant and inclusive arts community in Jersey, namely: ‘Lullaby Project’, ‘Vraic’, ‘She Rose: Dance, Landscape, and Language’ and ‘Black Earth pamphlet launch’. Moving Arts Collective aims to connect art, culture, heritage, social justice and the environment. Through this programme of projects they aim to expand their network and establish strategic partnerships both locally and internationally.
  • Jersey Trees for Life (pictured) has been awarded £4,895 to catalogue and identify the entire collection at the Val de la Mare Arboretum. Using QGIS, they will generate an up-to-date map of the arboretum’s collection and make it publicly available via an interactive web map. They will use the final database and its corresponding map to improve public information and inform future conservation work at the arboretum.

JCF Chief Executive, Anna Terry, said: “Through our thematic approach to lottery funding we want to highlight the value of organisations that are dedicated to supporting, enriching and developing our community.

“Arts, sport and science have the power to lift our spirits in times of stress, help us overcome challenges, enable self-expression and improve our mental and physical well-being. They play a vital role in educating and progressing our whole community. I commend our experienced volunteer board and sector advisors for their invaluable expertise and time dedicated to the grants process. We hope that by sharing this list of grant recipients, we will inspire more charities to apply and apply for funding by 4 October.”

Minister for Sustainable Economic Development, Deputy Kirsten Morel, said: “I am delighted to see the financial support being given to our local arts, science and sport sectors through the allocation of over £149,000 in CI Lottery funding. This funding not only recognises the significant contribution made by 13 deserving organisations, but also highlights the vital role that lottery ticket purchases play in supporting charitable and voluntary groups.

“By investing in local projects, programs and infrastructure, this funding is ensuring a positive and lasting impact on the lives of Islanders. I commend JCF for their dedication to supporting a thriving community and congratulate the grant recipients for their valuable work.”