
Leading Cheltenham tech firm says AI will be a game-changer in the workplace

In the coming years, AI will become an important part of our lives, both at work and at home. And with tech companies already releasing AI software that claims to help make our work lives easier and more efficient, this new era is on its way, and early adopters are already praising it.

SoGlos spoke to Cheltenham-based technology experts at ReformIT to find out all about AI ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilotand how they can prove to be a breakthrough support for companies.

Could you briefly describe how AI ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot work?

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI designed to generate human-like text from input suggestions. It understands context perfectly and produces accurate, consistent responses, making it ideal for conversational applications, content creation, and information retrieval.

Microsoft Copilot is an AI-powered assistant that integrates with Microsoft 365 apps like Word, Excel, and Outlook. It helps users by offering suggestions, automating repetitive tasks, and increasing productivity with intelligent insights. Copilot uses AI to streamline workflows and helps with document creation, data analysis, and email management.

These sound like really useful programs. What do they both do best?

ChatGPT gcreates a coherent and contextually appropriate text; in additionengages in conversational exchange andanswers questions in a detailed and natural manner.

MMicrosoft Copilot ahelps you create and edit documents in Microsoft 365 applications;automates repetitive tasks by providing intelligent suggestions andincreasing productivity through data analysis and email management.

And what are they? What are the main differences between them?

While ChatGPT is a general-purpose language model focused on text generation and conversation, Microsoft Copilot is specifically integrated with Microsoft 365 to increase productivity and streamline workflows.

In terms of functionality, ChatGPT is great for generating text that looks like human-readable text and having conversations, while Microsoft Copilot is designed to help you get things done in Microsoft 365 apps, such as writing, data analysis, and email management.

And when it comes to data accessibility, data entered into ChatGPT can be used by anyone who interacts with the model, making it widely accessible. Microsoft Copilot, on the other hand, is integrated with Microsoft 365, so it uses data from a specific user’s account and organization, providing a more controlled and secure environment.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of each application?

In the case of ChatGPT its pRussian is itextremely effective in generating text that resembles human-written text; it is veryuniversal in a wide range of conversational applications; and that isis constantly improving with more data and fine-tuning. The downside is that it is currently llimited to text-based tasks; this is csometimes they cause contextually inappropriate or incorrect responses; and that isrequires careful monitoring to avoid generating misleading information.

The advantage of the Microsoft Copilot solution is thatintegrates seamlessly with Microsoft 365 applications;increases productivity by automating repetitive tasks and delivering intelligent insights; and that isDesigned to help with specific tasks such as document creation, data analysis, and email management.

While the disadvantages include that it is llimited to the Microsoft 365 ecosystem; this mmay require some learning curve for users to fully utilize its features; and the ability to access itDepends on whether the user has a Microsoft 365 subscription.

How can they help a company or individual?

For companies, ChatGPT can improve customer service with chatbots and can automate content creation and help with message writing. For the individual user, ChatGPT provides instant information, can help with writing tasks, and offers engaging conversational experiences.

While Microsoft Copilot offers businesses streamlined document creation, automates data analysis, and streamlines email management, increasing overall productivity. And for individual users, it can help with writing, organizing data, and managing email within the Microsoft 365 package, making everyday tasks more efficient.

Should we introduce them into our working lives soon?

Absolutely! Both ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot offer significant benefits that can increase productivity, efficiency, and user experience. ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for companies looking to improve customer engagement and automate communications, while Microsoft Copilot can significantly increase productivity in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.

However, as we incorporate these technologies, it is crucial to prioritize security and data protection to ensure user privacy and compliance. By using these tools responsibly, we can drive innovation and productivity in our personal and professional lives.

How can we be sure that our data is safe when using AI applications?

Both solutions provide increased security protection for user data. Creator of ChatGPT, OpenAI implements robust security measures to protect data, including encryption and secure access protocols. OpenAI is committed to protecting user privacy and has strict data usage policies. User interactions can be anonymized, and protecting personal data is a priority. However, data entered into ChatGPT is publicly available to any model user, which may raise privacy concerns.

While Microsoft Copilot employs advanced security measures including encryption, multi-factor authentication, and compliance with industry standards such as GDPR and CCPA. Microsoft also protects user data with strict privacy policies. Copilot uses user data to provide personalized support while maintaining privacy and compliance with data protection regulations. Data used by Copilot is limited to the Microsoft 365 environment, providing a more controlled and secure environment.

For help implementing AI software into your business and guidance on how to use it, visit the ReformIT website at