
Sir Kevan Collins appointed as non-executive member of DfE board

The Department for Education (DfE) has appointed a new member of its Non-Executive Board of Management (NEBM) – Sir Kevan Collins.

Sir Kevan brings a wealth of expert experience to the role, having previously worked in Government, most recently as Education Recovery Commissioner at the DfE.

As Chief Executive of the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) he has researched and analysed the evidence on the effectiveness of education. He also has experience as a classroom teacher and as Director of Children’s Services in Tower Hamlets, demonstrating his deep understanding and expertise in the delivery of education at a systemic level. He is also trusted by key stakeholders across the education sector.

The Non-Executive Board Members are senior figures from outside government appointed by the Secretary of State to provide support and challenge to government departments. The DfE NEBM Group is made up of people from business and other backgrounds who provide relevant advice on many aspects of running the department. Sir Kevan will sit on the DfE Board alongside Ministers and the wider non-executive board of the department. The Board provides control over delivery and performance, supporting and challenging the department.

As part of his role, Sir Kevan will advise on raising and enforcing standards, focusing on finding solutions that tackle the biggest barriers to children’s opportunities, including teacher shortages and high absenteeism rates.

The Government has made clear that the education and care system is not currently meeting the needs of all children, particularly those with special educational needs and disabilities – and for children with less complex needs, early intervention in mainstream schools is crucial.

To ensure that improving inclusion in mainstream schools is at the heart of our plans to improve opportunities for children with special educational needs, the Education Secretary also confirmed today that the Department for Education will be restructured to bring policy on special educational needs and alternative provision under the responsibility of the Schools Group.

Education Minister Bridget Phillipson said:

Our drive for high and rising standards in our state schools began on day one, with the first steps including recruiting 6,500 new teachers. I moved quickly to ensure my department could deliver on our mission of breaking down barriers to opportunity so every child has the best start in life.

Sir Kevan has been an outstanding force for good in schools, particularly through his work with our teachers and children throughout the pandemic. He will play a key role in advising the department.

Permanent Secretary Susan Acland-Hood said:

We are delighted to welcome Sir Kevan Collins back to the Department. His considerable experience in education will be an asset as we work to build and improve school standards.”

Sir Kevan Collins said:

I am pleased to return to the Department of Education.

Our schools face real challenges and I want to be part of a renewed effort to meet them, using bold and fresh ideas to ensure that standards are high and rising in every corner of the country.

Sir Kevan’s appointment has been approved by the Commissioner for Public Appointments in accordance with the Corporate Governance Code for Public Appointments.

He began his three-year term with immediate effect. Sir Kevan’s declaration of interests will be published on