
Daily Hampshire Gazette – Jeff Clark: We need energy permitting reform

Scott Merzbach’s article, “Energy bill doesn’t address siting fears,” in the July 6 Gazette doesn’t accurately portray the positive aspects of the governor’s and legislature’s efforts to reform the renewable energy permitting process and modernize the grid. We currently have a complex, archaic permitting process for major infrastructure projects that is cumbersome for both project developers and local community interests. It needs to be improved so that we can meet our state’s climate goals for 2030 and beyond. It often takes more than seven years to get a renewable energy project approved. We don’t have that much time. In addition, the archaic permitting process is often exploited by wealthy interests who can “hire lawyers” to block projects. For example, the Koch brothers stopped early offshore wind projects that could have provided us with clean energy today. Mr. Merzbach’s article correctly reflects the need to balance the trade-off between preserving natural lands that absorb carbon and building renewable energy projects. However, the work of Senator Mike Barrett, who authored the Senate climate bill, and Senator Jo Comerford, who introduced several important amendments, aims to ensure that we prioritize the use of our built environment for renewable energy projects and grid modernization, and that local communities can effectively participate in the permitting process. The House will soon release its own amended climate bill that addresses permitting reform. I hope that the final legislation will help us meet our climate goals without sacrificing local voices.

Jeff Clark
