
Rahul Gandhi finally joins Twitter

New Delhi: After a long hesitation that left him with a lot of catching up to do, the Vice-President of the Congress Rahul Gandhi he joined on Wednesday TwitterGandhi’s Twitter account name “Office of RG” did not have any biography and no tweet had been posted as of 8:30 pm.

The account, which has a profile photo of the 44-year-old Gandhi, had more than 1,800 followers as of 8:30 pm, including the official Twitter account of the National Students Union of India (NSUI), the student wing of the Congress party.

A senior party leader, who was aware of the developments, said the report was authentic and came from Gandhi’s office. “It is yet to be verified as it was released only today, but it is his report,” the party leader said.

In the absence of an official statement from the site, Mint could not independently verify the authenticity of the Twitter account.

The Gandhi scion went on a nearly two-month vacation during the first half of the Budget session of Parliament, but returned to engage more vigorously with the public on several issues. These include the Real Estate Act and the controversial Land Acquisition Amendment Bill. Since his return, he has also intervened in the Lok Sabha on farm scarcity and net neutrality.

Political experts believe that an active social media campaign was one of the key factors in the prime minister’s case Narendra ModiThe chairman’s election last year to the office of president helped him connect with young people and urban residents.

According to the Twiplomacy 2015 study on world leaders, Modi has 12.1 million followers and is the third most followed leader in the world. Twitter Inc. by a global public relations and communications firm Burson-Marsteller.