
Will technology-driven thinking save Paramount?

But Paramount’s biggest weakness is how it creates and distributes content — and that can and must be fixed with technology, said Hunter Peterson, vice president of content strategy at a digital content company called 10PM Curfew, which has created content for Amazon, Meta, Hinge, HBO (now Max), Netflix, Hulu and Dunkin’ Brands.

Now, Paramount “will take years to release a movie because of the bloated system. It’s almost impossible to understand the need for (Paramount’s $200 million production budgets for some recent productions),” Peterson said. “The way Paramount did business for the last two to three decades is not the way they should do business today. They just have too many bureaucratic points with too many approvals.”

Thanks to GenAI, it is now possible to reduce or even eliminate the need for expensive outdoor shots, as well as reduce the need for extras and even trained animals.