
HubSpot collapses after Alphabet abandons takeover bid: Rpt.

HubSpot ( HUBS ) shares fell sharply after Bloomberg reported that Alphabet ( GOOGL , GOOG ) had abandoned its bid to acquire the software company, a deal that would be one of the largest this year if it went through.

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This post was written by Angel Smith

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The most important place on the list.

The company’s shares fell after sources reported Alphabet suspended its bid to acquire the software company; shares are now down about 13%, according to Bloomberg.

This was reported earlier this year, and HubSpot shares have started to rise.

HUBSPOT has a market cap of $27 billion, so if it happened there, it would be a really big deal.

There were analysts who hid his names.

You said from the beginning that they could understand the strategic rationale behind it.

How can Google combine GCP Google Workspace and Hubspot? This can be combined to become more competitive with rivals.

Well, AWS and Azure specifically.

But in that same memo, they often said, Julie, it might make strategic sense, it might make financial sense, but there are antitrust concerns.

They simply thought, “We will always consider it unlikely, improbable, over-checked.”

And maybe that’s why it didn’t happen in the end.

Hmm, hubspot, a CRM system for managing customer relationships.

Well, their clients are mainly small, medium and large enterprises.

Well, I also saw a brief comment saying that if the deal fell through, it could be good for the sales department, because then a more dangerous competitor would appear there.

So we will have to observe how popular this competition would be.

Yes, but lately the antitrusters dislike big deals so much that they don’t do them.