
Bulgaria – Employee Benefits and Compensation

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In June 2024, the Council of Ministers of Bulgaria introduced a new regulation on working hours, rest and holidays. These updates are in line with the Labor Code and regulate procedures…

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In June 2024, the Bulgarian Council of Ministers introduced a new regulation on working hours, rest and holidays. These updates are in line with the Labour Code and regulate procedures related to leave for parents and grandparents, as well as for social service workers.

Leave for Parents and Grandparents

The new regulation now regulates the mechanism for transferring maternity leave after the child reaches six months of age, not only to the father, but also to grandparents (one of the mother’s or father’s parents). This mechanism now applies under certain conditions and aims to provide more flexibility and support for working families.

Similarly, in the case of adoption, the new regulation regulates the mechanism for transferring leave after six months from the date of adoption to one of the adoptive parents. These changes ensure that grandparents can play an active role in raising children, reflecting a more inclusive approach to family support.

Paid annual leave for social service workers

The regulation also introduces extended paid annual leave for those working in social services, addressing the high turnover in this critical sector. The details are as follows:


These measures aim to improve job satisfaction and turnover of social service workers by recognising their demanding roles and ensuring they have adequate rest.

Impact and implementation

These changes are expected to have a significant impact by retaining professionals in the social services sector, preventing them from moving to other fields due to insufficient leave and support. By offering more comprehensive leave options and extended annual leave, Bulgaria aims to provide better care for both professionals and the people they serve.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject. You should seek specialist advice regarding your specific circumstances.