
Tech veteran Andrew Burton leaves Rapid7 to become CEO of e-commerce specialist commercetools – Retail Technology Innovation Hub

He added: “The last 14 years have been an incredible rollercoaster ride: when we made the decision in 2010 to build a new trading software from scratch for the enterprise market, we had no idea we would achieve $100 million or more in revenue.”

“But we had a vision to build a leading enterprise trading software company – not by creating flashy slides, but by delivering the best products that help our customers today and make their businesses future-proof, no matter what the future brings.”

“The realization of this vision has brought us to where we are today, and it also forms the basis for our future success – because we have many things planned for the coming years.”

As he noted, commercetools is currently the largest privately held trading software company, serving over 500 clients worldwide and helping them achieve over $35 billion in GMV with its software.

“We are the undisputed leader in modern enterprise trading software and — at least from my perspective — we deliver the best products for companies that not only require flexibility and scalability, but also want to be cost-effective and put more emphasis on innovation than on staying in business.”

“Ten years ago, I would have never imagined that we would one day give companies like Sephora, BMW, John Lewis, Porsche, Burberry, Ulta Beauty and many other top brands the opportunity to run their digital businesses with us.”

He concluded, “Growing the company to $150 million ARR and beyond has been incredible, but it wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible team that made it all possible.”

“And even at today’s size, we’re still growing at a rapid pace. This strong momentum makes it the perfect time to strengthen our leadership team as we get ready to ignite the next phase of this business rocket we’re flying.”

“Andrew has had a significant impact, helping his previous company grow from ~$150M ARR a few years ago to over $800M ARR today. Our plans are no less ambitious. Along with the nearly 650 commercetoolers employees, I am excited about what’s next and for our future plans to become a reality.”