
German authorities consult on transport regulations

European Association of Oversized and Mobile Road Transport The European Association of Cranes and Transport Assets (ESTA) has welcomed the German authorities’ move to consult industry associations and their members on a package of proposed new rules for heavy goods transport permits – but has called on the Berlin government to align them with the new rules currently being developed in Brussels.

Viktor Baumann. SPMT. Germany. 2015

Federal and state officials are discussing the proposals. ESTA director Ton Klijn He said: “We will work to ensure that the new German rules do not conflict with new EU rules that are already well advanced in the European Parliament. If necessary, we hope that they will amend their plans to take into account measures that have already gained broad support across Europe, and so avoid unnecessary delays and uncertainty.”

ESTA participates in discussions in Germany via Vinitiative of the Gross Space and Transport Initiative (VI Goods and Services Tax (GST)), an initiative involving 31 economic, business and transport organisations whose aim was to put pressure on the German government to take urgent action to improve the difficult conditions in which large and heavy transport operates in the country.