
Oceantic Network Welcomes Adoption of California Offshore Wind Strategic Plan

The plan also outlines necessary steps to support the growth of the floating offshore wind industry in California, including investments in ports, modernization of transmission infrastructure, streamlining the permitting process, and activities to develop the supply chain and workforce.

California’s AB 525, passed in 2021, directed the CEC to set offshore wind targets for 2030 and 2045. In 2022, the commission set a goal of 25 GW of offshore wind generation by 2045. It also required the commission to develop a strategic plan, released last month, that aims to leverage offshore wind to achieve 100 percent clean energy by 2045.

To support these goals, Oceantic Network launched the West Coast Supplier Council in February, focusing on the unique needs and growth of the region’s offshore wind sector and its supply chain. Then, in May, the Network partnered with the Council to release Suppliers’ Guide to Success: Smart Scaling for the US West Coast Floating Wind Market, a report that examines the requirements for a full-scale expansion of floating offshore wind on the West Coast and proposes solutions for industry and government to scale the thriving supply chain. The Legislature took a major step last week by passing bonds that include $475 million for offshore wind ports and $325 million for clean energy transmission.

“Oceantic Network and its West Coast Supplier Council thank the California Energy Commission for their extensive efforts to lay the groundwork for offshore wind in the Golden State and look forward to leveraging and implementing the final AB525 report,” said Sam Salustro, Vice President of Strategic Communications for Oceantic Network. “Floating offshore wind provides reliable, clean energy at the scale needed to drive California’s clean energy transition. California’s already ambitious goal of deploying 25 GW of offshore wind by 2045 has made the state a global leader in this emerging energy sector, but achieving this bold goal requires rapidly scaling the new industry. “The state is playing a key role in growing a viable industry and attracting a strong local supply chain by prioritizing immediate investments in port and transmission infrastructure, ensuring a long-term, predictable project schedule, and directing local supply chain investments that are globally competitively priced rather than pursuing local content requirements that can delay project implementation and increase costs. The members of the West Coast Grid Supplier Council are veterans of early offshore wind development on the nation’s East Coast and are eager to support California stakeholders in their efforts to build a viable, scalable supply chain necessary to achieve the state’s ambitious goals.”

For additional information:

Ocean Network

Offshore Wind Strategic Plan