
E-commerce and other essentials for startup success in South Africa

While the US startup and entrepreneurship market has historically had a competitive advantage over the rest of the world, rapid technological change and access to a much larger pool of ambitious entrepreneurs in South Africa have become a key game-changer and leveller.

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“With simple e-commerce platforms and the right digital marketing, South African entrepreneurs can now easily tap into global markets without having to physically go overseas. World Bank data reveals that in 2011, internet usage among the South African population was just 34%. By 2021, this figure had risen to 72%, indicating a significant improvement in internet access,” says Daniel Novitzkas, CEO of Specno.

He adds, “Technology not only opens up new possibilities for success, but with the right strategy to leverage what is available, any highly motivated person can become the next global trendsetter and change many lives. There is nothing more inspiring than that realization.”

But before a budding entrepreneur can achieve local success, he must persistently find his North Star, grasp it, and focus all his energy on it.

Gaining experience should never be underestimated as a path to success. As Bill Gates has shown in OutliersThe 10,000 hour rule emphasizes that achieving success requires a significant investment of time.

For those who want to become entrepreneurs in a specific industry, joining a startup and absorbing all the information they can is a priority.

While universities provide valuable knowledge and real learning, self-development will only flourish outside of their walls. And while an investment of time is a prerequisite to success, it also requires sacrifices in other places.

Any distractions that are designed to be addictive can undermine your productivity and should be removed from your life, even if only temporarily. These can be productivity killers like social media, gaming, or Netflix.

“At the same time, it’s crucial to use all available resources, including free online courses, to increase your expertise. Becoming an expert in a specific industry or topic is a gradual process, built step by step, and diversifying your learning sources is essential to becoming a jack of all trades in your chosen field. The Internet offers a wealth of e-books, and budget-friendly used bookstores are stocked with literature in your field of interest. Enriching your mind with as much information as possible can solidify your position as an expert in the industry you want to enter or grow your business in,” Novitzkas concludes.

Self-motivation is another difficult discipline to master. At its foundation, it requires unconditional and true self-belief.

But when you can confidently, humbly, demonstrate your knowledge and skills to others, doors of opportunity are sure to open. Sometimes they may open immediately, or they may require further persistence.

The story of every successful entrepreneur is about the protagonist seizing the right opportunity, using everything at his or her disposal to gain valuable experience and knowledge, building a clear path to long-term success.