
Zambia’s telecoms sector hit hard by major power outage crisis

The telecommunications sector, a key driver of the Zambian economy, is facing serious challenges due to unprecedented power outages, according to data from the Global System for Mobile Communication Association of Zambia (GSMAZ).

In a recent press release, GSMAZ highlighted that the sector, which includes major operators such as MTN, Zamtel and Airtel, is experiencing significant disruptions. With over 3,500 towers connected to the national grid, prolonged power outages have affected service quality. Despite having backup generators, extended load shedding hours — up to 13-14 hours a day — have strained resources. Generators, originally designed to provide power for up to four hours, now require constant refueling and frequent maintenance, leading to significant additional costs and logistical challenges.

GSMAZ assured customers that mitigation efforts are ongoing. Collaboration with tower partners, regulators and other stakeholders aims to find sustainable solutions to reduce downtime. In the medium and long term, implementation of solar backup solutions is being explored. In the meantime, reliance on existing backup systems continues.

GSMAZ apologized for the inconvenience and reaffirmed its commitment to providing high-quality services despite the current challenges. It expressed confidence in Zambia’s resilience and the ability of all sectors to overcome these obstacles.

With Zambia facing the worst impacts of climate change in six decades, the telecommunications industry’s response to the crisis will be crucial to sustaining economic growth and social development in the country.