
Euro-Med Gulf Parliamentary Forum: Andean Parliament President praises Morocco’s progress in renewable energy

Hidalgo described the Moroccan model as “pioneering” in the strategic field of the region, highlighting the numerous major investments made by the Kingdom in solar and wind energy, in particular the “Noor Midelt II” project.

The President of the Andean Parliament noted that Morocco has allocated 300,000 hectares for the development of green hydrogen projects, while also working to attract investments and support small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the energy sector, stating that the Kingdom is contributing to the productivity of the Mediterranean region in this field.

She also stressed the need to reduce the carbon footprint to tackle the repercussions of global warming, explaining that this constitutes “a significant step towards the energy transition”.

Luis Redondo, Vice-President of the Forum of Presidents of Legislative Authorities of Central America, the Caribbean and Mexico (FOPREL) and President of the National Congress of Honduras, called for support for policies aimed at increasing energy efficiency, reducing emissions and protecting ecosystems.

After emphasising the importance of innovation and collaboration in achieving a successful energy transition, Redondo said climate change is more than ever an “undeniable reality”.

Initiated by the Chamber of Councillors and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), under the patronage of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the Marrakesh Forum provides an ideal opportunity for parliamentarians and founding partners of the PAM to interact with political and economic actors from the public and private sectors, as well as with academia and civil society.

The second edition of the conference, which will last until Friday, is devoted to two main topics: “Transition to green energy” and “Support for entrepreneurship and small and medium-sized enterprises in this process”.