
China bids for global AI governance

“The first principle of promoting AI development centers on a call for global cooperation,” he noted. “We need to look at this in the context of recent U.S. efforts to cut off China’s access to AI capabilities by restricting trade in technology. China is trying to counter that and encourage more exchange, perhaps hoping to avoid the obstacles that come with a lack of access to U.S.-made semiconductors and advances in AI research.

“But then, in principle 3, developing the AI ​​governance system, it mentioned North-South and South-South cooperation—but not East-West cooperation. That could be read as China saying the developing world needs to be included. Or it could be read as saying, ‘We don’t need the United States.’”

Nevertheless, the declaration ends with the words: “We are fully aware that the implementation of this declaration requires our collective efforts. We expect positive responses from governments, scientific and technical communities, industrial communities, and other stakeholders around the world. Let us jointly promote the healthy development of AI, ensure the safety of AI, and strengthen the common future of humanity with AI.”