
Ørsted pilots new technology to optimise monopile installation in offshore wind farms

Quieter technology used for monopile foundation installation at Gode Wind 3 in Germany

This cutting-edge technology represents one of the greatest advances in offshore wind foundation installation methodology. It is also the latest example of how Ørsted, a world leader in offshore wind, continues to leverage innovations that support biodiversity, protect the environment and create the green energy systems of tomorrow.

Ørsted already implements a number of effective protective measures during the construction of offshore wind farms, including limiting the duration, intensity or scope of certain construction activities at sea. Examples of these mitigation measures include the deployment of bubble curtains or other acoustic barriers during traditional installation. The new installation method allows Ørsted to further reduce the potential impact of construction activities on the marine environment and build more cost-effectively.

At the new German offshore wind farm Gode Wind 3, Ørsted has successfully tested an innovative installation method on three monopile foundations. The noise reduction method involves a patented jet technology attached to the monopile, which reduces the resistance of the surrounding sandy soil, effectively allowing the foundation to sink into the seabed – completely replacing conventional installation methods such as pile driving. The implementation of the new installation technology resulted in a significant reduction in underwater noise levels: with a reduction of 34 decibels compared to the most commonly used installation method and without additional mitigation measures, noise levels were reduced by more than 99% to levels that are just above the ambient noise found in the German Bight in the North Sea.

In addition to reducing noise, this new technology represents a breakthrough in offshore wind monopile installation that, when implemented on a large scale, could provide more efficient and cost-effective installation of offshore wind farm foundations. 11 MW wind turbines have already been installed on their foundations, and a commercial Gode Wind 3 turbine is planned for commissioning later this year.

Patrick Harnett, Executive Vice President and COO at Ørsted, said: “Ørsted has been at the forefront of innovation in offshore wind and maritime protection for 30 years and we continue to push the boundaries of new innovations. This new technology is a potential game-changer in the way we build offshore wind.

“Once industrialized, it could not only be cheaper, faster and significantly quieter – without additional mitigation measures – than any other monopile installation technology, but it also has the potential to make next-generation foundations lighter because they will not need to be designed around a conventional installation process.”

This is the first time that jetting technology has been used to install full-size monopile foundations, making the tests a milestone for the industry. Ørsted carried out the installation together with Jan De Nul Group and their installation vessel Les Alizés, as well as contractor Aarsleff. Ørsted has been developing the technology over the past few years and is currently investigating how to introduce it into a future pipeline, which includes assessing the feasibility of the method in more complex ground conditions than the pure sand conditions encountered at the Gode Wind 3 site. Further regulatory approvals will also be needed before the technology can be implemented in other markets around the world.

At the forefront of offshore wind energy innovation

The new technology is a testament to Ørsted’s approach to innovation, which has been at the heart of its business from the very beginning, helping to take offshore wind from a demonstration concept to a large-scale energy technology.

Technological advances have already reduced the cost of renewable energy, making it cost-competitive with fossil fuels, and Ørsted believes it can continue to leverage cutting-edge technology to make green energy more affordable, reliable, efficient and sustainable across the value chain. Ørsted recently deployed an autonomous offshore survey vessel, and the company is testing the use of large drones to transport cargo to offshore wind turbines.

Ørsted has an in-house R&D department, led by a team with extensive experience in science and engineering. The team oversees more than 300 different projects. The company has established partnerships with more than 50 universities and research institutes, which help it implement the best ideas from the lab into practice.

To successfully implement the project at Gode Wind 3, Ørsted will receive subsidies from the German Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) under the Offshore Wind Energy Act, which aims to stimulate innovation in the development of offshore wind energy.