
RCBOE Vote on Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy Change

RICHMOND COUNTY, GA (WJBF) – Richmond County Board of Education members voted to change their policy on cell phones and electronic devices.

The RCBOE has called a special meeting for Tuesday, July 9 to vote on adopting changes to the Student Code of Conduct for the 2024-2025 school year.

Under the revised policy, if students choose to bring cell phones or electronic communication devices to school, they are expected to adhere to the following policies regarding cell phones and electronic communication devices and/or accessories at all times.

Here is the text of the revised policy on mobile phones and electronic devices:

1. Regardless of whether a student accesses the school system’s technology network using a mobile phone or electronic communications device, all applicable provisions of the Acceptable Internet Use Policy and the Student Code of Conduct and Discipline must be followed.

2. Cell phones, electronic communication devices and/or accessories must be completely turned off (not on silent or vibrate mode) and stored in a place where they will not be visible (as directed by the school administration) during the school day, as defined above.

3. Sending text messages, communicating via apps and using social media are prohibited during classes.

Emergency calls can be made to the main office. Parents can contact their children by calling the school main office. School office staff can pass on parental emergency messages to students. Various messages cannot be delivered during the school day; students should discuss their meetings and other activities with their parents/guardians outside of school hours.

Students with serious medical conditions or other unusual circumstances may obtain special permission from the school principal to use a mobile phone if it is deemed essential to the student’s health.

High school students may occasionally use electronic devices during lunch, but only with the permission and consent of the principal. Students

DISCIPLINE: Due to the potential disruptions that cell phones and electronic communication devices may cause to the learning environment and school safety, disciplinary actions and consequences for violating this rule are as follows:

First Offense: A first offense will result in the confiscation of the electronic device, which the student or parent will pick up at the end of the same school day. The incident will be noted in the student’s disciplinary record in the student database (e.g. Infinite Campus).

Second Offense: A second offense will result in the confiscation of the electronic device, which must be picked up by the parent on the Friday following the confiscation at a specific time designated by the school. The incident will be noted in the student’s disciplinary record in the student’s database (e.g. Infinite Campus).

Third Offense: Third offense will result in the confiscation of the electronic device, which must be picked up by the parent on the Friday following the confiscation at a specific time designated by the school. The student will receive a one-day in-school suspension (ISS). The incident will be noted in the student’s disciplinary record in the student’s database (e.g. Infinite Campus).

Fourth Offense: Fourth offenses and subsequent offenses will result in confiscation of the electronic device for ten (10) school days and the parent must schedule a conference with an administrator to retrieve the electronic device. The student will receive a three-day in-school suspension (ISS). The incident will be noted in the student’s disciplinary record in the student’s database (e.g., Infinite Campus).

Failure to Comply: All administrators, teachers, and/or staff members are authorized to confiscate cell phones, electronic communication devices, and/or accessories in any instance where a student violates the cell phone/electronic communication device policy. Failure by a student to surrender his/her electronic devices to school personnel will be considered failure to comply and insubordination, resulting in a two (2) day suspension from school and any other form of discipline deemed appropriate under the circumstances.