
Roanoke Co. Public Schools Asks for Feedback on High School Phone Policy

ROANOKE COUNTY, Va. (WFXR) — Roanoke County Public Schools is seeking input from students, parents and staff on potential changes to the education department’s current mobile device policy for high school students.

Following Governor Youngkin’s announcement of Executive 33, which raises health concerns about student use of mobile devices, school districts have been asked to create policies banning their use during school hours. The school district says it is considering further changes to its current policy at the high school level.

Adopted for the 2022-2023 school year, Roanoke County Public School’s current policy states that elementary school students may have a mobile device as long as it is turned off, set to airplane mode, or stowed and out of sight throughout the school day.

At the secondary level, students may have a mobile device in the classroom if it is turned off or in airplane mode and out of sight. Students may use devices in the classroom if the teacher allows it, for specific purposes, or in the hallways and during lunch.

In accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order, the Roanoke County School Board is considering three options:

  • No change, maintain current policy.
  • In secondary schools, all use of personal mobile devices should be banned during classes, but their use should still be allowed between classes and during lunch breaks.
  • Follow elementary and middle school rules by not allowing students to use devices all day long.

“This is a serious matter that impacts the safety and well-being of our students, as well as their ability to succeed in the classroom,” said Dr. Ken Nicely, Superintendent of Roanoke County Public Schools. “There are a lot of strong opinions on this issue, and we need to hear what parents, students and staff think about what steps we should take moving forward. We encourage our parents, students and staff to share their thoughts on this survey,” said Dr. Nicely.

Roanoke County School parents, students and staff who would like to share their thoughts on this matter can complete a survey available on the school district’s website.