
US House of Representatives bill protects small businesses from regulation

NFIB Sends Letter in Support of Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Act

What does it mean: NFIB supports legislation requiring federal agencies to consider the impact of regulations on small businesses.

Our opinion: “The current regulatory environment is not sustainable for small businesses, but this legislation is a good first step in reducing those burdens on Main Street. The Act on Improving Regulatory Flexibility for Small Businesses will ensure that government regulators take full account of the economic impact of regulation.” – Josh McLeod, Director of Federal Government Relations at NFIB.

Take action:Tell your elected representatives that compliance costs small businesses time and money, ultimately limiting their expansion.


NFIB sent Members of Congress a letter of support for HR 358, Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Improvement Act (SBRFIA)The legislation ensures that federal agencies fully consider the impact of regulations on small businesses.

Specifically, SRFIA focuses on eliminating gaps in Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA). SRFIA will be:

  • Expanding the small business advocacy review process.
  • Tightening requirements for agency review of regulations.
  • Increasing the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Office of the Small Business Advocate’s Participation in Ensuring Agency Compliance with the RFA

The NFIB has issued a White Paper on RFA regarding the importance of Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA), the lack of compliance by administrative agencies, and what Congress can do to revitalize RFA. Agencies continue to ignore RFA, proposing and implementing regulations without fully considering the effects on small businesses. RFA was intended to address the growing number of “one size fits all” regulations that disproportionately affect small businesses.

NFIB Senior Staff Attorney Rob Smith testified before the U.S. House Small Business Committee in May, explaining the many negative impacts that government regulation has on small businesses. Call on Congress to Support SBRFIA to ensure that small businesses are included in proposed regulations. “This will help provide a smarter rulemaking process for small businesses, and NFIB urges Congress to pass this important legislation,” McLeod said.