
EU calls for support for Ukraine’s energy resilience after Russian devastation

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At the Energy Community donor conference, Commissioner Kadri Simson stressed the urgent need to strengthen Ukraine’s energy infrastructure following extensive damage caused by Russia. The conference focused on mobilizing resources for the newly established Ukraine Energy Support Fund to help with the country’s recovery efforts.


Commissioner Simson expressed deep concern at the destruction wrought by Russia, which has wiped out almost half of Ukraine’s power capacity for the winter since March. The ongoing crisis has already led to daily power cuts across the country, with conditions set to worsen as winter approaches.


“We cannot underestimate the seriousness of this situation. Ukraine faces serious challenges in ensuring access to heat, water and basic services for its citizens,” stressed Commissioner Simson. “Our priority now is to restore as much generating capacity as possible before the harsh winter conditions arrive.”

The European Union and its Member States have mobilised significant support, with the Energy Community raising EUR 500 million through the Ukraine Energy Support Fund. These funds are flexible and designed to address urgent needs resulting from recent attacks on Ukraine’s infrastructure.

“So far, EU Member States and participating countries have delivered more than 7,700 power generators, almost 3,000 transformers and millions of energy-saving light bulbs,” said Commissioner Simson. “But the scale of the devastation requires further international solidarity and support.”

The Commissioner called on conference participants to contribute to the Energy Community Fund or make in-kind donations of essential energy equipment. “Every contribution counts in helping Ukraine rebuild its vital energy infrastructure and ensure the well-being of its citizens,” she stressed.

Finally, Commissioner Simson underlined the EU’s unwavering commitment to Ukraine’s reconstruction and called on all stakeholders to join forces to provide the necessary assistance.