
New Digital Tool Helps Producers in Fight Vs. Deadly Pork Virus

A new free digital tool has been released recently that can help producers and vets in the fight against pork PCVAD disease.

the new app is free

Boehringer Ingelheim released the digital tool and according to it can greatly help in detecting and dealing with porcine circovirus associated disease.

According to Pork Business:

“The free digital tool walks users through a series of questions to help identify potential problem areas, paint a picture of a herd’s unique disease situation and generate a personalized protocol recommendation, the company said in a release.”

While vaccination has helped reduce the severity of PCVAD, there are many factors to consider when assessing the efficacy of an overall management program from vaccination timing to the presence of co-infections.”

The Decision Tree function takes the user through a variety of questions to help them determine the full picture of PVC2 in their barns. According to Pork Business:

“After users answer a short round of multiple-choice questions, the PCV2 Decision Tree generates a recommended protocol, which includes health factors to evaluate ahead of making any changes.”

For more information on this new pork tech, click here.

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Gallery Credit: Katherine Gallagher