
CENTRAL ASIA New rules on the expulsion of migrants from Russia

In a vademecum addressed in particular to workers from Central Asia, all the behaviors that should be avoided so as not to suffer from the measure, specco is accompanied by a ban on re-entry for a period of 3 to 5 years. Another 20 new articles of the Administrative Code have been added to crimes reported directly by the police.

Moscow (AsiaNews) – In recent days, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs has presented a draft law that aims to further expand the list of grounds on which a foreigner can be expelled from the Russian Federation by an administrative court decision. They are in addition to those that directly lead to deportation on criminal grounds reported directly by law enforcement and security services. Journalist Aliyah Khamidullina from Asia-Plus these were summarised for the numerous migrants from Central Asia who are most affected by these measures.

Deportation is usually imposed in cases of violation of the regulations governing the status of migrants in Russia and involves a ban on re-entry to the country for a period of one year to an indefinite period (usually imposed for a period of three to five years). Some articles of the Administrative Code provide for forced repatriation, while others leave the decision to the courts. The grounds for immediate deportation, which are defined by the new legal measures, are illegal drug trafficking, use of drugs without a prescription, promotion of non-traditional sexual relations and gender reassignment, especially in the case of minors, promotion of pedophilia, violation of the rules of entry into the Federation or the regime of stay on its territory, illegal work in Russia and refusal of repatriation already imposed.

As for the reasons that can lead to repatriation by decision of judges, they are explained primarily as violations of the regime of the state borders of Russia, especially in border areas and places of access to the federal territory, and failure to comply with all restrictions established in relation to various activities carried out within the Federation. In addition, expulsion is decided in the case of repeated violations of the rules of residence in the Federation and failure to meet the deadlines for obtaining a driver’s license, one of the rules that is least respected by many drivers or taxi drivers of Central Asian origin.

However, since January of this year, changes have been made to the Administrative Code, which provide for the possibility of avoiding expulsion by paying fines or being sent to forced labor. This happens when a person stays in Russia for a long time, for family reasons, especially if he has minor children, if he has a permanent salary and his own apartment, for regular payment of taxes, compliance with the law and other cases at the discretion of the judge, who has the right to assess these and other circumstances “based on internal convictions.”

However, the new law introduces 20 new articles to the code, which entail the punishment of expulsion from Russia. They concern failure to carry out orders issued by a public official of the police or other law enforcement agencies, providing false information to migrant registration offices, acts of vandalism and petty violence, public display of Nazi or extremist symbols, use of firearms outside established norms or in places not designated for this purpose, referring to terrorist or extremist activities on the Internet or in other forms, and other issues.

Khamidullina explains in detail all these circumstances, not only to avoid deportation, but above all to avoid punishment in the form of a ban on re-entry to Russia for several years, which would really make it difficult to organize life for those who have no other resources than labor migration in Russia. Advice is also given on how to appeal in the face of such punishments, using the help of groups and associations present in the territory of Russia, in particular to help citizens of Central Asia in this period of great restrictions and persecution, even very unmotivated.