
Napier’s march against coalition government’s environmental and treaty policies is expected to attract hundreds of people

Papatūānuku Uprising organisers Putaanga Waitoa (left) and Marilyn Scott are expecting hundreds of people to turn out for their march in Napier to oppose government policy. Photo / Papatūānuku Uprising

Organisers of a march in Napier to challenge the impact of the Coalition government’s policies on the environment, Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Te Reo Māori are expecting hundreds of people to turn up.

Papatūānuku Rising, which will kick off at 1pm on 28 July in Clive Square, aims to match the impact of last month’s March for Nature in Auckland, which attracted a crowd estimated at 20,000.

Organiser Marilyn Scott said it would be a whānau-friendly event, for people to show their support for nature, tangata whenua and a fairer planet.

“The environment is under attack by this coalition government, and in particular its Fast-track Bill, and we need to come together and stand up for nature,” Scott said.

“In addition to the attacks on nature, people are concerned about the government’s numerous attempts to undermine Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Te Reo Māori.”