
Andres Rodriguez refers to current personal data protection regulations.

The national media outlet El Mercurio published a report on data encryption to protect customers in logistics processes.

In this regard, our partner Andrés Rodríguez stated that, in addition to encryption, legislation also safeguards customer rights. Law 19.628 on the Protection of Private Life, currently in force in Chile, requires the implementation of adequate measures to protect the privacy and security of such information.

However, he added that “this law does not contain updated provisions on this matter, which makes the enactment of the new data protection law, soon to be passed by the National Congress, especially relevant. It includes the creation of a Personal Data Protection Agency, which will oversee compliance with these regulations and impose substantially higher fines on violators, reaching up to 60,000 UTM in cases of repeated offenses.”

Read the full report by clicking here.