
nShift: Delivering a Solution That Makes a Difference for Gen Z Shoppers

For younger shoppers (GenZ and younger millennials), delivery experience is key to e-commerce success, according to new research from nShift, a global leader in delivery and experience management (DMXM).

Research conducted in partnership with Retail Week found that 25-34 year olds are the age group most likely to abandon online shopping carts due to a lack of convenient delivery options. It also found that choice and convenience are key. Almost three quarters (71%) of 25-34 year olds say choosing a delivery date and time is important, compared to just 53% of over-55s. When it comes to delivery options, 25-34 year olds are the most likely of all age groups to use click and collect.1.

nShift’s “Beyond the box: Turning deliveries into a business-building experience” explains how the delivery experience can act as a platform for business growth, customer acquisition, and revenue generation. Available for download, the guide not only describes what a great delivery experience looks like, but more importantly, what it takes for retailers to deliver it.

“Younger consumers aren’t just a key segment of today’s e-commerce landscape – they represent tomorrow’s customers. It’s important for retailers to understand their needs and create experiences that meet today’s needs and survive tomorrow,” said Sean Sherwin-Smith, Product Director Post-Purchase at nShift. “Delivery creates business opportunities. Getting it right increases checkout conversions and builds customer loyalty. It can also reduce costs and protect margins – for example, by streamlining returns and encouraging revenue-preserving exchanges. Achieving this winning formula depends on strong, effective collaboration between retailers’ e-commerce and logistics teams.”

DMXM – an integrated approach that combines delivery management and the post-purchase experience – is key to helping retailers stand out from the ever-growing e-commerce crowd. DMXM enables retailers to:

  • Grow beyond borders – With a library of over 1,000 carriers, nShift enables retailers to expand internationally and offer customers more delivery options at checkout. This increases conversion rates
  • Connect every step of the customer journeyoffering convenient delivery options at checkout (including popular zero-emission deliveries and curbside pickup), superior tracking and simple returns that maximize revenue retention
  • Enable e-commerce with limited data accessby combining data from carriers, logistics and other business systems. DMXM combines this information to help retailers sharpen customer insights, break down internal silos and increase operational efficiency
  • Get ahead of your competitors – whether by engaging customers in new ways or increasing the throughput of delivery and fulfillment teams. nShift helps retailers stay ahead of the competition by investing five times more in R&D than the closest competitors

The guide, “Beyond the box: Turning deliveries into a business-building experience,” is available for download from the nShift website.

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